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The Supernatural

I grew up going to “Tent healing revival meetings” I can remember at 5 and 6 years old walking into these great big tents, the sick lined up for what seemed to be a mile or longer. Wheel chairs, crutch’s, stretchers, people being carried, would all line up to be prayed for. I was mesmerized by this scene taking place right in front of me… 

After the man of God would pray, and even sometimes punch the lame; these sick and desperate people would stand up, crush their wheel chairs or crutch’s and run around the tent, jumping and leaping and praising God! The whole place would erupt in laughter, clapping, joy. I watched my mom’s leg grow about two inch’s, sun cancer fall off of people, boils fall off of faces, it was what I thought the “Christian Life” was all about.

Through my years of ministry now, I have encountered a few of these experiences, but not at all what I thought it was going to be. I have dealt with demons and witness many people being set free, have prayed and had a few healings that I could say were “real” but nothing compared to what I watched as a child. Why?

I talk a lot about people like Heidi and Rolland Baker who have documented 67 people, mostly orphans, being raised from the dead, food multiplying often, blind healed, the deaf hearing, and I am asked every time; “why don’t we see these types of miracles in America”?

The answer is simple really; we don’t need miracles, and for many of us, we really don’t believe it. If we need food, we go buy it. If are sick, we take drugs, (even when we are not sick, we are just told we are, we take drugs).
I believe in doctors and think we should go to the hospital when we are sick; I guess I am just desperate for something more.

We really do not need the God of the supernatural, do we?