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Thoughts & Inspiration

Speak to the Rock, Don’t hit it!

Have you ever been angry with God? I know for some of you that could seem ridiculous and for others that have lost a loved one, or been through major tragedy, you kind of cringe when I ask that question… yes, I have been angry with God!

Matthew 3:17:  when Jesus comes up out of the water after being baptized by John, the heavens open and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” Can you picture this gray bearded God leaning over the
balcony of heaven, almost like a Sean Connery voice, very deep, with a little accent, “Dish iz my shon”; stoic, distant, not a pleased Father at all.
  If we are serving an angry God, maybe it is easier for us to get angry with Him?

The picture I have is this loving Father that would rather die then not be in relationship with me. In fact He did, when He sent Himself, in the body of Jesus to do just that, die for me. He has pulled me up on His lap at times, held me and spoke His true affections over my life.  What a release from that false picture of this angry Father that I could not please.

Now, I agree in America we have become way to friendly with God. It was a good swing for a while as we were running away from the idea that He is this mean, angry, ogar that sits around waiting for us to screw up some how so He can slam is gavel down upon our fingers! Kind of like the way most of us think of our earthly fathers.

I guess the question we must ask is did anybody in the bible ever get angry with the King of Kings? How did He respond when they did? 

Moses walked with God; he was God’s favorite. He parted the waters in His name and wrote the 10 commandments with His Guiding. Still, in his anger he struck the rock twice instead of
speaking to it, as he was commanded! Huge mistake. Numbers 20:1-13.  The result of Moses’ anger
1. Took credit to himself for what God had done
2. Disobeyed God in not speaking to the rock
3. Lost his temper (he struck the rock twice when told to speak to it)
4. Used a harsh expression when addressing the people (“Rebels” Ps 106:33)
5. He was provoked by their need and resented them
6. Was guilty of unbelief, because he did not trust the power of God, as though the power of God needed his help (“Did not trust in Me”)
7. Failed to glorify God before his people
8. Rebelled against God.
Aaron was with him in these offenses, so he suffered the same punishment. Being angry with God is a scary thing and brings down the people around you.

Moses was angry with God, he was provoked by the disobedient, whiney children of Israel. The sin that was produced from that anger was pride, disobedience, resentment, and rebellion. Not to mention Moses was never allowed to enter the Promise Land!

What in your life is God saying “speak to this”, but you, in your anger, choose instead to STRIKE at it.  You strike with your attitude, your anger and disappointment. We need to trust our LOVING Father and begin
speaking the word of the Lord over our situations,
speaking the word of the Lord over our lives?
  Don’t strike the Rock!