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Our Daughter Alexis

As most of you know, our oldest is at our G42 leadership school in Spain… (Suffering for Jesus on the Mediterranean Sea)! Here is here blog and what is already going on in her life…

You can sign up for her blog here (she is worth it!):
biological father passed away when I was four years old. It was a
tragic loss making it hard to cope with everyday life. It was just my
mom, my sister, and me for five years.
tragedy, loss, or desperation strike a house hold, it is natural for
people to run to a comfort zone. People always are looking for a god to
rely on, whether it is Christ Almighty or an idol.
Growing up, missing
a father, I grew an attachment to food. At a young age I was gorging to
fill the void in my heart. This ‘Food god’ became a habit for years to
come. When my parents would confront me on this issue, I was quick to
deny it, or become offended. As I grew older i ran to food every time
something made me uncomfortable or sad.
I hit a wall, I did not want to be a slave to that god anymore. I was
unhappy, unhealthy, and even more depressed than I started out.
night i cried out to heaven and hell “I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS
ANYMORE’. It was then when i realized that this was more than an
addiction, it was a demonic stronghold. Admitting that to myself was
the first sign of redemption, I had been lying to myself for years
because i didn’t want to be the girl who had the ‘eating disorder’.
to G42 Leadership Academy was not an attempt to find myself, it is to
prepare myself and set the bar for my journey ahead. In this experience
I want to be completely real with myself and those around me. When this
revelation came to me Sunday night i had planned to tell my best
friend, Alaina,
and my mentor, Stephanie.
During class that morning, we were talking
about being full in the Holy Spirit and shutting down strongholds. We
began going around being honest and open about what we were dealing
with and how to be ‘full’ anyway. Sure enough my heart began pounding
like crazy and my face became hot. I did not want to share this with 20
people i had only met a week ago, I didn’t even like to share it with
myself. I heard God say clearly to confess it with my mouth and declare
it gone.
I told everyone about this stronghold that had taken over my life, my
voice shaking and face turning red. I ended with, “but I’m done, so i
am saying right now to Heaven and Hell that this has no more control
over me and i am free.” The moment i said that, I literally felt a
heaviness lifted off of me; Demon gone. It’s amazing the authority you
have in the Lord, Amen.
The people i had confessed this to supported me
and loved on me. Of course, right after i felt vulnerable and naked,
regretting telling everyone. After the class, people came up to me
thanking me for sharing and being honest, which shut the enemy down
once again.
is not hard to share now because I AM DELIVERED IN THE NAME OF JESUS
and will never deal with that again. Thank you Jesus, Praise Jesus.
This Demon has lied to me, abused me, and manipulated me for 14 years,
and I am free.


  1. Alexis – Woman of God …. I was there and it is true and fills my heart with joy and my eyes with tears . To hell with the devil…. remember : give heaven something to cheer and hell something to fear !! Hip Hip… xo A .

  2. And the Truth will set us Free…we have full authority to take control of demonic forces in our lives and by the word we cancast them out and proclaim victory. You Go Girl!

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