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Note To Seth Barnes the President of AIM

Just wanted to write you about Bulembu, Swaziland and are time there the past two weeks; this picture is our group praying and praising the Lord up on top of the hill that looks over the valley, what a place!
Let me start by saying we weren’t completely sure what we were walking into, we had heard the stories and about the ministries that were there, but still didn’t have are arms around the vision… the first morning we met Leann. She came over to Swazi with AIM and opened a “Dropping Center” right in the middle of Bulembu. 30 kids, half of them are infected with AIDS and are left alone to fend for themselves during the day as their mothers go off to work. 1 and 2 year olds left alone all day. The other half were AIDS orphans that have NO family and many were being raped and molested and needed a safe place to
come during the day. If the right partners come in and with just a little more funding, she will be up to 90 kids in the next couple of months. Let me say, the children captured our hearts! Some of the kids in the picture.
That same day we went and visited ABC the abandoned baby center right up the hill from Leann’s; A self proclaimed house wife named Robin that has 30 some abandoned babies and 14 volunteer staff members. She said, “I am just a house wife and mother doing what every one of us should do” When we asked her how she was funded she said, “By the greatest fund raiser of all times, Jesus Christ”! I could tell you many stories, but one is this boy; his dad dropped him in boiling
water and left him on the floor to die, we were the first group he embraced since coming. The other was a mother that walked in a house pregnant and walked back out with a small stomach. They went inside and four hours later found the baby buried in the back yard, umbilical cord attached. She is four now and in a family! I could go on and on.
Let me say this; Bulembu is a perfect place for us to establish a training center and send thousands all over Africa to do the same as these people are doing. Rescuing babies, planting church’s, establishing “Care Points” or “Dropping Centers” Kingdom work all over Africa!
We met with two of the main board members and they really want us to take a building on the property that can sleep 100 or more at a time, a room big enough to train hundreds and houses for staff to live in for very little money. They love AIM and you very much and are very excited to build with us. The just dismissed most of the ministries that were going to move on the property as they do not have the covering or track record of you and AIM. We are one of nine that they inviting.

Tom Davis and I were blown away by the beauty of the place the integrity of the people and the opportunity to train the next generation in a place they call “the pulpit of Africa” I believe it will be an example to the rest of the continent of how God can work in a hopeless place!!!!
Please let the staff and the board members of AIM know what an incredible opportunity we have in Bulembu. An initial raise of $130,000 to fix the building and rooms up and then as little as $2500 a month we can have a “World-class” training center in one of the most desperate and beautiful places on earth!
Love you Bro, thanks for your wisdom and leadership on this place. Tom and I are ready to move our families there each summer!!

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