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Lets Celebrate 10 years with them!

As you know, I believe Africa has to help and restore Africa; missionaries need to go and serve the people of Africa, but… our “Western Christianity” has not helped, and in-fact, has hurt the progress of the Church there.

Pastor Gift is an African that understands this very well – he has taken up the responsibility for his people, for his home, and he and his family are giving their lives away every day.

Everyday Gift and Philile minister to the dying; they minister and empower the orphans of Swaziland; they do it when no one else is watching – day after day…

I received this letter from Pastor Gift a few days ago. I thought a few of us could help make this 10th anniversary a very special one.

Pastor Gary

Greetings! So far you are the only ones who wanted to know what this surprise entails. Here it goes:

My wife ‘s greatest wish is to fly. She has never been on an airplane before and it would be a treat of a life time for her to fly. She would love me for it. Embarrassingly, I have been all over Southern Africa but Cape Town. I have always wanted to go to Cape Town and I know my wife would love it.

I am saving some money but this dream is not possible without any kind of help. If we were to go it would look like this:

We would leave Swaziland on the 11th of September, our anniversary day and by coincidence a Friday. Drive to Joburg and fly to CPT same day. Stay the weekend and fly to JHB on Sunday and drive to Swazi. The cheapest ticket sales for 2 people are 2, 704 ZAR including tax and everything excluding accommodation. The ones from Southern Airways on the same weekend are 3, 760 ZAR on the same weekend.

If this fails, we can just fly to JHB, honestly not interesting, and stay with friends there and take public back to Swazi. This sounds wow! However, she deserves more then this for sticking with me all this past 10 years. I am open to other suggestions though, you know me guys and you are married longer then me.

Love you all


Here is all we need to do; go to; hit the support button on the left; the exchange rate is around 7.5 to 1 right now; so, $800 gets them tickets and accommodations to celebrate 10 years of life! Thanks for this – it’s kind of a no-brainer!