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Thoughts & Inspiration

In the early 90’s I was the regional sales manager for a long-distance company, (remember long-distance charges)?! I started an affinity program that would give churches back 10% off of everybody’s bill – we called it TitheNet… it worked for a bit, but, never became quite what I had hoped for the non-profits!

And then… almost 20 years later this last March Jonathan Kuiper walked into my office; I had never met him, but, did know his dad, who had been a Pastor in our city for many years. Jonathan said, ” I have this small idea and I was told to come by and let you know about it” I watched a one minute video he had put together and I was speechless, well, for a moment! He continued, “I had a dream about changing the world and I want my kids to experience what it means to live for the poor and the orphan of the world, what do you think”?!

Have you had those moments, that one moment when you can feel it in your core, that something has just shifted? You feel the change, the atmosphere in the room literally becomes different. This was one of those times…

On September 27th we are launching TheChangeMob; We have raised the funds, working round the clock and cannot wait to “Change” the world!!

TheChangeMob is simply this; So, your driving your kids to soccer practice, or your at the office getting ready to go out to lunch – maybe taking your wife out on a Friday night date. You get an update on your Smart Phone from TheChangeMob – the update reads; “We are building a well for an orphanage in Uganda and are raising $50,000 for the project – give your $1 now. (Yes, you can only give one dollar), and receive your reward. You will get a free appetizer at Outback, a discounted oil change from Jiffy Lube, a free hair-cut at Veda Salon – when you give your $1 and help us get clean, fresh water to those in need, you get a nice reward! (We charge the vendor a very fair redeemed reward price and give them a nice ROI)!

Inner-city homes, wheel-chairs for the crippled, bikes for doctors in Zambia – and on and on and on…there is no limit on the needs, and there is no limit to business’ that want to be seen as “caring” while getting more customers.

TheChangeMob, when we are up and running three campaigns a week, will raise millions of dollars for non-profits and brand vendors names to amazing life changing projects here in the US and around the world!

Please go to and put your email in; we will be getting you updates and let you know when to down-load our App on your Smart Phone – when you combine Justice, a Reward and you can give and make millions – it is capitalism the way it’s suppose to be!!

10 responses to “Justice, a dream and redemption”

  1. Gary-
    What a concept… this is going to be big. People drop $1 on apps like nothing… for this they give for a good cause, and even get something in return.

    Praying for this and for you…

  2. This feeds directly into the groupon/livingsocial mindset as well… I signed up simply because for $1 I could get something or do something I normally wouldn’t be able to afford. Love it!

  3. This is brilliant! I’m excited to see how God uses it! I love how it also can be a constant reminder in our everyday busy-ness of those around the world experiencing very different struggles than us :). Love it!