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No matter how old you are, or how long you have walked with God, it still comes down too, is Jesus enough?

I have been a Christian all of my life… I wondered during my college years, but always looked to Him and ran back to the cross, no matter what.

The past six years have been, lets say, challenging.
  I have been to hell and back, lost friends, a ministry, for a time my family, and almost my faith. The question that was always lingering in my mind was; is Jesus enough?

Life is full of challenges, trials and things that are completely out of our control. Bad things happen to good people, life is not fair, people suffer and stuff just doesn’t turn out like we planned all the time. You train your children with the same values and beliefs, and they turn out different. You work hard, use integrity and people still treat you wrong, life just doesn’t seem fair most of the time.

Tonight as I sit here writing this, we are getting ready to move, financial pressure is mounting and my family is disrupted. My six kids and I sat around the living room, as we do most nights, doing our bible study. As my children started to pray, all I heard was how thankful, how amazed, how grateful each one of them where to trust in and know that Jesus would be enough!

Is Jesus enough? Many are suffering much worse than we Americans could ever imagine, many are suffering right in our own back yards.

 Maybe, we get to experience some tough things, so we have a better understanding; more compassion to what is going on in
our neighbors’ house, what is going on in our families life, what is going on in the world. Maybe, if Jesus was enough for us, we could bring him to the widow and orphan and make Him enough for them… is Jesus enough?