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How to Disciple the next “Prophetic” generation;

Look at their heart, not their actions – Matthew 16: 17-18: The Shepard declares from the beginning who Peter is, speaks; “You are the ROCK” knowing that Peter is going to deny him three times…

Truth and Intercession – Matthew 26:31-35: Confidence and zeal in own commitment, Luke 22:31-32: Establish their calling in faith and prayer.

Tough Love – Luke 22:61: The Lord “looked” at Peter in his sin and rejection. You will suffer loss, you will be denied. The truth will be seen.

Waiting Father – John 21:15-17: Jesus proclaims who Peter is; “you are a lover of God”

Commissions – Matthew 28:19-20: In brokenness, go lead a revival!

What it will take to solve the violent trend in our society today is ‘Surgery of the heart’, ‘true discipleship’ (we will talk about this a lot over the coming weeks), ‘turning young princesses into Kings’ (becoming a true father and teaching a generation to do the same)!

Marks of a true father; Can handle and solve conflict, loves people, communicates acceptance, understanding. Is a listener, does not enjoy proving Theological controversy, not focused on releasing or promoting himself, focused on the success of others, (young men like to fight the devil; fathers like to nurture and release) Appreciates complexity, brings a broad perspective, always AVAIABLE, can comfort as well as correct, understands their weaknesses and realities of life, take a long-term view, and are not given to extremes.

“True fathers” hold the respect and trust of the people, it is given in servant-hood; fatherhood is relational, not based in power! Fathers are culturally relevant, (must learn the next generations language) and they impart their very lives, destiny, purpose; prophesy who they are, not what they do!!

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