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This is a blog from our best friends in Africa; Jumbo and Kriek Gerber… when we lived in Swaziland you would receive news everyday about Zimbabwe and the reality of life there; a loaf of bread could be $5 dollars one day and $500 the next, really! It is the worst inflation in the world and people have literally turned to cannibalism to survive. Why don’t we here; why don’t we care?

From Jumbo and Kriek;
I am keeping a close eye on Zimbabwe, because it is a country here in Southern Africa that both me and Kriek love. We just received this letter and would like all of you to join with us in prayer that the Lord will intervene and protect his people.
Letter from Zimbabwe sent in by John Winter

I reckon that these are the last days of TKM and ZPF. The darkest hour is
always before dawn.

We are all terrified at what they are going to destroy next……..I mean they are actually ploughing down brick and mortar houses and one  white family with twin boys of 10 had no chance of salvaging anything when 100 riot police came in with AK47’s and bulldozers and demolished their beautiful house – 5 bedrooms and pine ceilings – because it was ‘too close to the airport’, so we are feeling extremely insecure right now.

You know – I am aware that this does not help you sleep at night, but if you do not know – how can you help? Even if you put us in your own mental ring of light and send your guardian angels to be with us – that is a help -but I feel so cut off from you all knowing I cannot tell you what’s going  on here simply because you will feel uncomfortable. There is no ways we can leave here so that is not an option.

I ask that you all pray for us in the way that you know how, and let me know that you are thinking of us and sending out positive vibes… that’s all. You can’t just be in denial and pretend/believe it’s not going on.

To be frank with you, it’s genocide in the making and if you do not believe me, read the Genocide Report by Amnesty International which says we are – IN  level 7 – (level 8 is after it’s happened and everyone is in denial).

If you don’t want me to tell you these things-how bad it is-then it means you have not dealt with your own fear, but it does not help me to think you are turning your back on our situation. We need you, please, to get  the news OUT that we are all in a fearfully dangerous situation here. Too many people turn their backs and say – oh well, that’s what happens in Africa .

This Government has GONE MAD and you need to help us publicize our plight—or how can we be rescued? It’s a reality! The petrol queues are a reality, the pall of smoke all around our city is a reality, the thousands of homeless people sleeping outside in 0 Celsius with no food, water, shelter and bedding are a reality. Today a family approached me, brother of the gardener’s wife with two small children. Their home was trashed and they will have to sleep outside. We already support 8 adult people and a child on this property, and electricity is going up next month by 250% as is water.

How can I take on another family of 4 —–and yet how can I turn them away to sleep out in the open?

I am not asking you for money or a ticket out of here – I am asking you to FACE the fact that we are in deep and terrible danger and want you please to pass on our news and pictures. So PLEASE Help best in the way that you know how.

Do face the reality of what is going on here and help us SEND OUT THE WORD.. The more people who know about it, the more chance we have of the United Nations coming to our aid. Please don’t ignore or deny what’s happening.
Some would like to be protected from the truth BUT then, if we are eliminated, how would you feel? ‘If only we knew how bad it really was we could have helped in some way’.

[I know we chose to stay here and that some feel we deserve what’s coming to us]

For now,— we ourselves have food, shelter, a little fuel and a bit of money for the next meal – but what is going to happen next? Will they start on our houses? All property is going to belong to the State now. I want to send out my Title Deeds to one of you because if they get a hold of those, I can’t fight for my rights.

Censorship!—-We no longer have SW radio [which told us everything that was happening] because the Government jammed it out of existence – we don’t have any reporters, and no one is allowed to photograph. If we had reporters here, they would have an absolute field day. Even the pro-Government Herald has written that people are shocked, stunned, bewildered and blown mindless by the wanton destruction of many folks homes, which are supposed to be ‘illegal’ but for which a huge percentage actually do have licenses.

Please! – do have some compassion and HELP by sending out the articles and personal reports so that something can/may be done.

‘I am one. I cannot do everything, —but I can do something.. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, 
I will do.’

5 responses to “Zimbabwe; reality”

  1. Hello!

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ!

    Greetings from Reverend Pervaiz Khokhar!

    I wish to acknowledge to you that I have received your previous email message after long time from you. I thank you for your confidence in our lord and the ministry of His servants. Praise is to God the father, son and Holy Spirit. I’m doing well, blessed by our lord & savior so that I may bless others. I pray that God will be glorified through our efforts but know that we were only planting seeds for which God will provide the growth as he wills. Any fruit that we might reap would be provided by the lord. I know that very soonest Holy Spirit impress upon you and your family members for helping our ministry.

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ! The PSSWS have aim is working as a wing, saved of the poor, orphans Children for Jesus. Christmas and Easter distribute Gifts Holy Bibles among the poor, orphan children, Widows and poor families as some people donate us locally and we collect donations some friends from around the world twice a year at every Christmas and Easter festivals among the poor, orphan children, Widows and poor families. If you would like to make a donation to PSSWS to help with their on going needs you may do so by or if you prefer to make a donation like one Sunday donation or one month (Tithe, $, £, €, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, School supplies, clothes, blankets, sheets, shoes, toys, English/Urdu Holy Bibles, medicine, Etc) by check or money order you may do so by sending it to the following address and bank information? We have made donating easier for those off you whom the Lord speaks to concerning making a donation. Are you willing to
    transfer money donations to our electronic funding account (Western Union or Money Gram) Please see information given below:-

    1. Accountholder: The Preaching Society & Social Welfare Services
    2. Account: National Bank of Pakistan Jhumra City Branch Pakistan
    3. Account Number: 1126-8
    4. International Swift Code: NBPAPKKAX02F

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ! I invite you to come to Pakistan. I would like to ask God for something involving myself with others in my community. Let we know you exact date time you visiting to Pakistan. Please before you come inform us about you date of arrival here in Faisalabad Pakistan so that we could arrange for your evidence and reception you. As you know it well that in Pakistan God is opening the heart of people for Gospel to receive Jesus Christ as their savior and lord. As it concerns to my information so many people have been (Changed) As a lot (Miracles, Healing, Crusades & Seminars) are being in through Pakistan where God do amazing things and particularly the (Gentiles) are known about Jesus Christ.

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ! Definitely I and my family, team, Sunday school, primary school Children and Church members pray with fast to God for you and ministry. Praise the Lord! I have no any word for your thanks? I suggestion you that you should providing funds to the whole world donor as well as Pakistan for saving lives in Christ like the sick, suffering poor, orphan Children & widows. We will send to you once again request only for fellowship & friendship with us as my Sister’s & servant of Christ? We are not money maker and bigger, chatter? I’m saved person and God elected me for His own purpose saving hungry souls and last sheep, sick, suffering poor, orphan Children & widows in Pakistan for Jesus? Are you possible keeping in touch with us? Please keep in touch with us as my Sister’s & servant of Christ?

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ! The PSSWS ministry is doing the God’s work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are pleased you can be with us to fellowship in God’s unchanging Word. We will share with you urgent prayer request. Please pray for our ministry. We work as a team for our ministry activities here in Pakistan. We have urgent prayers needs and required many needs financial, materials, necessary things helps for sick, suffering, homeless, street wondering Children, widows and poor Christian families. Please join us and partnership with us as my Brother/Sister and servant of Christ from around the world?

    In Pakistan the life and work of a local pastor, evangelist or missionary is much different from that of a similar position in the western world. Many of them are often persecuted to Muslims people. The mostly in villages of rural area of Pakistan don’t have Public transportation many Pakistani missionaries and pastors do not own any vehicles. They walk several miles each day, providing vehicle, motorcycles or bicycles will help the missionary with his ministry and family chores. We are committed to making disciples through partnering with local churches to renew, train and mobilize believers for active involvement in reaching the Pakistan! Many of them are often persecuted. The need to help these pastors is very great.

    The Pakistan is the 3rd largest mission field in the world only 97% Muslims, 1.5% Hindus and 1.5% are Christian, which also means that 97% of Pakistani does not yet know that Jesus Christ died and rose for their sins! How tragic! Many missionaries don’t have an own vehicle they do not have a proper transportation they walk several miles each day, carrying tracts and supplies on their shoulder bag. Providing motorcycles or bicycles will help the missionary with his ministry and family chores. With your small donation you can sponsor and help support Christian missionary work in Pakistan. You may offer a one-time gift to help in supporting Christian missionaries by using the through transfer our electronic funding account or Western Union or Money Gram, or you may set up a monthly payment plan.

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ! I pray to God will give you peace in your hearts, physical, spiritual energy to continue your hard work to fulfill your family. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:5. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. God has all power to heal the sick, raise the dead and to set the captives free. Through His grace and His mighty power, we have everything. There is not a person on earth that could ever help you like God can. He sticketh closer than any friend, mother, brother or sister. He loves you and knows you better than anyone else. This is why your faith should stand in His power alone. Through Calvary, the walls that separated man from his God have been torn down. Now the words ring-out, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need, Hebrews 4:16. As you read this email, agree with me in faith for God to grant your requests and direct you daily in His divine will. God is more than able. Let your faith stand in His power alone, and let me know when God answers our prayer. If you really prayed this, the Lord will open your eyes and will bring someone in your path to guide you and teach you!

    Yours Brother in Christ!

    Reverend Pervaiz Khokhar
    The Preaching Society & Social Welfare Services
    Mohallah Rasool Pura Street No 7
    Jhumra City 37700
    Phone: +92-41-8527541
    Cell phone: +92-300-7914561
    E.Mail:[email protected]
    E.Mail:[email protected]

  2. Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord. We all okay by the grace of God we hope you also will be okay by the Grace of God. Dear we want to invite you & your Team in Christ in Gojra/Pakistan for the Jesus Glory. We want to arrange a big gathering one 1000 To people 5 days Healing Crusade & 3 days Pastors Leadership Conference So in this way we give you invitation for the Crusade & Pastors leadership Conference in Gojra/Pakistan. Please give us time for the Jesus glory in Gojra/Pakistan in 2008 We hope and Trust on God that you must give us Time in 2008. We are continuing praying & Fasting for your coming in here in Gojra. We also want to affiliation & work with you in future in Gojra/Pakistan. We want your positive & quick reply as soon as possible for the Jesus Christ. God is good all the Time. God bless you and your Family + Church Your Brother Evanglist Asif Mubrak Ministery Of God Pakistan & Ministery Of God24-Hour Healing Prayer Center Christan Colony Gojra Punjab Pakistan Telephone0092_301_7234129 email [email protected]

    From Evanglist Asif Mubrak

  3. Dear brethren in Christ,
    Greetings to you from Believers of Christ Ministry, Pakistan. My name is Pastor.Akash Shahzad the word for a congregation of the Lord’s body at Southern Punjab, Pakistan. I would like to share with you some things about the work we are doing for the Lord and His church. We know you Dear people do great work for the extension of the Lord’s kingdom. We love people who encourage good work all over the world.

    Pakistan is inhabited by more than 100 million souls. It is the one of the most populous Nation in the world, the population density is tremendous. Punjab is one of the big states in south Pakistan. Our State Punjab contains 34 Districts. They wanted to hear the God’s word; they also obey the God’s word when we teach them the truth in love.

    Believers Of Christ Ministries Of Pakistan.
    Church worship began with 25 faithful members of the Lord’s body in 1995. The town Jahania was a strong place for Pentecostal church (in their view). I visited door to door and studied the God’s word with individuals and families to preach them the truth. Our aim is to teach children also to conserve the truth for future generations. We STRONGLY believe the God’s word is perfect and the ONLY WAY for our salvation, guidance and every thing.

    In 2000 we started our ministry Believers of Christ Ministry of Pakistan, a church for Christians to assemble and worship God. We do serve in the Southern Part of Punjab, Pakistan, (Multan, Mian-Channu, Jahania, Khanewal, Chichawatni, Faisalabad and Toba Tek Singh). The congregation is 1000 of the Lord’s body now. Here people here only the God’s word. “We speak where Bible speaks and silent where the Bible is silent.” We do not like big bosses who became a threat to the autonomy of the church here in Pakistan.
    Our Ministries
    Out-Reach Mission
    Family Sponsorship Program
    Sunday School/Church Building
    Healing and maricle crusade
    Childcare Center
    Students sponsorship program
    . Woman Ministry

    An Orphanage House

    . Youth Ministry


    “We invite you to be a part of our ministry and be a another Believers of Christ International network. Our Ministry would love to be part of your ministry.”
    In His service,
    Pastor.Akash Shahzad

    Driector Believers Of Christ Ministries

    Christian Colony Near By Pass Road Jahanian
    Ph:+92 065 2211574.+92 333 6862924

    Emil:[email protected]

    Visit to our website.

  4. Dear brother and sister

    Praise to God.

    By god grace I am running church from 5 to 6 year, branch church are
    three . pastor, orphan children are there, without and foreign support
    by our church believer we are able to maintain somewhat but it is
    hard to maintain.

    A small request – we are having prayer partner. If anyone comes
    forward to help and support it will be a great blessing, please pray
    that god bring them forward to help us. It will help for the growth of
    our church, we are waiting eagerly in the prance of our lord for
    sponsors. Please pray for it

    Thank you for your prayer support

    Yours brother in Christ

    Rev. Ramesh Timothy

    Central bank of India
    Apostolic Glory Mission Trust
    Vellore br.dt.north,arcot vallalar.
    Tamil nadu- 632004

  5. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We implore God for His intervention in Zimbabwe, and the institution of a God fearing leader that will look after the people. Numbers 6:24-26.

    James Hudson