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Thoughts & Inspiration

What a great couple weeks we have had; a lot of driving back and fourth to South Africa, preaching, seeing our best friends from America and celebrating Lisa’s birthday… it is a crazy season over here in Swaziland, but, as my wife says, I would probably create chaos if their was none!

This is Noah and I on a Sunday in our hammock. I had preached for a number of hours in SA and then drove back a few hours home, we were a little bushed from all the action. It is fun to watch the kids embrace different cultures. We sat in an all Afrikans service, could not understand one word the preacher said, but we all felt refreshed and Caleb, our 10 year old, stated, “It was like you knew what he was saying, huh dad”? Each one of them are learning the SiSwati language pretty quickly and are learning how to slow down, not expect as much and realize that there is a lot to learn from “Other” cultures. A smile and a listening ear go very far here, and the kids are enjoying the process.

As I said, our best friends are here, and we are so thrilled to share the little we are learning… watch Tom Davis’s blogs, he is shooting video every day, it is a good way to see all that goes on.

I will give you a SiSwati word from time to time, the first one is “Yebo” (YA-BO) it means, “Yes, that’s right” Are we loving Africa? YeeeeBo!