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The Latest on Nsoko and Pastor Gift.

Here is an email Pastor Gift sent me Friday:
Sanibonani (Greetings in siSwati)
How is the ‘tribe’ the Queen, princesses, princes and the king of course. You guys receive our blessings for you that we speak on your lives in the mornings and before we go to bed. I am teaching my children to say God bless the Blacks. May he honor the confessions of my children and bless you indeed.


I love this man of God… as he works in this forgotten place called Nsoko and continues to build the G42 Church and plant new ones. And, as he daily feeds our over 600 children, educate the kids and the community, make Swaziland look more like the “Garden of Eden” and serve his family; lets not forget to pray for him and bless him every morning!

Gifts family house is almost done, (pictured above, this is the new cooking shelter, keeps the rain off the Gogo’s as the cook for the kids), the well is finally complete, the cooking shelter is up and we were just given the money to build the clinic!

We still need to get the orphan homes up, (about $23,500 each now – we need 6 to 8 of them), the geranium fields in, the vegetable garden growing and the frontal market place.

Visit today and please pass this along to all your friends, groups etc… the children of Swaziland need you everyday… thank you.

2 responses to “”

  1. Black – what A GIFT ! Thank you again for your wonderful sacrifices in Swazi . The reward….the Black family`s heart must be well warmed up by now … and the reward is from the MASTER . SO proud of you all . A.