
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is an email my wife sent out to our family yesterday… we are limping through, fully alive!!


We have 26 racers here, in our kitchen, in our yard…training, teaching, mentoring, preaching…not a second to spare,

We got a call late last night that one of our girls (Sarah) mother went into the hospital (Kentucky) with a stomach ache, they opened her up to find her consumed with cancer, we are praying hard…

We had to tell Sarah this morning, she collapsed in two and wept on the sideway, I wept right with her, have her on a flight tomorrow…

We were on our way to do some one on one training, when we saw an accident, we recognized our ministry van, we jumped out of our car to find one of our leaders, and six of our orphans covered in blood….they were terrified….one of the babies (six) had a huge gash (that was bleeding over everyone) in her head…we walked them, shaking and crying to the hospital….a place none of you would take your dog….

I held her as they stitched her up, she screamed and screamed, she was so scared, and did not speak English…I just kept saying “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”…..but I cried, and cried with her….it was horrible…the kids are okay and all back at their homesteads tonight…I saw the fear in their eyes, and it literally broke my heart….

We are now down to ONE rented van, and our personal family car to transport almost one hundred people to minister!  We have extra teams here because they could not go to Kenya, we are way beyond capacity, and all the leaders are getting pretty exhausted,

Meanwhile, having Brett, Tom and Mike here has been amazing, and timely….Mike preached at a local church yesterday, they hung a Swazi flag next to an American flag to honor us…it was glorious….

I literally have walked around all afternoon with dried blood on my clothes…(feel a little like Jackie Kennedy!) can’t get home to change, plus a pipe busted and we had NO WATER for most of the day

Please pray for grace, we are in heaven with the people here, it has been such a blessing I can not tell you, and we LOVE to teach and train….we are just fighting with logistical attacks….

I am teaching all the girls in the morning, I feel like it is a very important message; pray that nothing stops the WORD!

 Love you all,
