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It is Sunday morning, 6:00 am and I am sitting on a front porch looking out over a natural preserve in Nelspruite (Nail Sprit) South Africa… we took the 2:45 drive over to buy a few things for our home. (It is much less expensive in SA then Swazi for just about everything, most of the time half the cost)

The home we are in belongs to Michael and Lynn, they are amazing South Afrikaners, (White South Africans) that have been serving missionaries in the field for 30 years, mostly for Iris Ministries, but they have friends all over the world; they have a sanctuary as a home; it is one of the most peaceful, pristine homes I have ever stayed in. I am looking out at giraffes, a couple zebra’s and wildebeests playing and cantering by and enjoying the absolute miracle of being in Africa with my family. Michael is in his early 60’s and has learned to be a “Father” and a friend to most everyone that he meets. Lynn, his wife, is a strong, wise woman of God that has been speaking deeply into my wife’s spirit and loving on our children. My wife woke up yesterday morning and said “This home feels like a spa, can we just stay here a while”!

The lord is doing something very deep with me here; my quiet times are very intimate and easy, and the Lord has given us favor for relationships much faster then expected. We will see how we feel in a few months as every one has warned us how hard it is to adjust, but for right now, my kids are alive, my wife is at peace and I feel like I am just starting life.

When I was 24 years old the Lord told me I would live in Africa, the wait of 17 years has been worth it…