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The three enemies we face in this life is the world, the flesh and the devil… our flesh craves comfort, embraces fear and stops us many times from stepping into radical living.

The devil waits outside like a roaring lion, wanting to devour your dreams, your children; his only job on earth is destroy anything that would awaken your soul, he is very afraid of a man or women fully alive!

And then we have the world; if you are not convinced that we are in the fight of our lives for our children and our grandchildren, read and watch this. You can turn your head, pretend it’s not a real war, but when you realize the arrogance and in-your-face attitude of the world, well… let me know your thoughts.

Web Site Lures Teens Into Rejecting God

An atheist filmmaker has launched a Web site that encourages young people to blaspheme God on camera — then post their videos on YouTube

Brian Fleming, creator of the Rational Response Squad and operator of the Web site

, promises a copy of his movie “The God Who Wasn’t There” to people who follow through with his request. More than 800 have been posted.

“You may damn yourself to Hell however you would like,” the Web site states, “but somewhere in your video you must say this phrase: ‘I deny the Holy Spirit.’ ”

An online advertising campaign reportedly targets 25 Web sites frequented by teens including Xanga, Friendster, Boy Scout Trail, Tiger Beat, Teen Magazine, CosmoGirl! and Seventeen.

Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues at Concerned Women for
, said Fleming apparently thinks it’s a cute stunt.

“You can only pity the attention-starved boneheads behind this wickedness,” he told “They’re playing Texas Hold ‘Em with eternity and are holding a lousy hand.”