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Michael and Caleb went on a safari yesterday with one of our missionary teams that are here. (That’s a huge White Rhino behind them)

The young people on the team, (They are from all over America and have been here the past 9 months going to hospitals, serving at our care points, ministering in the squatter camps and will be leaving next week) call our family a conspiracy; they love the passion, brokenness and life that is in Caleb, Michael and Tyler, they can’t believe that we moved here and how much the boys love to jump right into ministry, work, and life here in Africa; I try and hide it, but it makes a dad very proud!

Here is a great quote I read yesterday and I believe this with all my heart: “The Kingdom of heaven is
within you – in the very laws of your being; but it is
among you – in the relationships which we have with others; it is
at your doors – ready to break into you and your relationships and remake you. So it is all three – within you, among you, and at your doors. It is present”.
“but if it is by the finger of God that I drive out the devils, then be sure that the kingdom of God has already come upon you” (Luke 11:20 NEB)

The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person – E. Stanley Jones
  (Highly recommended)