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From Seth Barnes:

In America we have been lulled to sleep by alternative agendas, a set of expectations we’ve come to view as “normal.” These expectations include tens of thousands of dollars of school debt, a mortgage, and a career.

It’s a path I was tempted to embrace, and maybe you were, too.

Young people deserve better.

The church will never become the world-changing agent it was intended to be until it properly disciples and initiates its young people.

At the end of the day, we were all called to pass the torch on to the next generation.

We were called to empower them and help them stand on our shoulders.

They are bored and losing interest here in America.

They want to

do the stuff. They want to be trusted.

If you’re one of these young people, I hope you don’t give up and sell out. I really hope you follow Jesus’ radical call.

And if you’re an older person in the process of passing the torch, I hope you’ve got a strategy for doing so.

This is a precious stewardship. If you need help,

send them to me – we’ll put them in discipling relationships and help them to walk as Jesus did. The World Race isn’t just another mission trip; it’s a pilgrimage to destiny, it’s the initiation of radical Jesus-followers.

This is how we begin to turn the tide and see a generation wake up to their destiny. And it’s actually working; they’re

getting it. Click on a picture to read some of their blogs.

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