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Wild days here in Africa! We are busy getting the house together, running FYM teams, Real life teams and others to South Africa as many of them are getting ready to head back home to America and much more… this is our “lapa” in our backyard, a grass hut where we will cook out, (Brie) have our home Church and just hang.

The Care Points are our main concern right now. (Where we feed, school, disciple, take care of medical needs, etc of all the orphans that are under our care; we call them “care points” as most of the kids live in Homesteads that their families were given by the King and Chief of their region. They are taught to never leave their homestead as they will loose it to another family, the problem is their parents have died from AIDS and there is NO one to watch after them at night. So most of them at very young ages are raising little brothers and sisters and have no protection from male predators… we are here to change that)!

Last week the organization that helps us bring in food did not show up and so none of our kids were eating and had gone over a week with out food! We went shopping, and the boys with one of our very good friends here, hooked up the trailer and delivered rice, beans and goodies. It was amazing and heart breaking all at the same time; I can’t wait for many of you to get over here and experience the frustration of conditions, the love you receive and give and everything in between, it is life!

Check out the weather,

, click on Mbabane,Swaziland
little better then what you cats in Colorado are experiencing!

One response to “Wild days in Africa…”

  1. Gary

    I’m really wrestling with the thought of bringing my family for a short trip to serve your work and expose my family to a different world. Is that do-a-ble?? This summer, june-july??

    Blessings to you Bro….
    May the Lord pour provision on His work..
