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The Revival in

The moving of God is very real and yet intangible. The
following is a testimony of a bank president in a spiritual breakthrough at
Rome, New
York. He said this in a meeting with all his

“Gentleman, say what you will, there is something very remarkable
going on in our town. Certainly no human power or eloquence can account for what
we see here. I cannot understand it. You say it will all subside and go away.

doubt the intensity of this atmosphere in our community will at some point
subside or the people will break down. But, gentleman, there is no accounting
for all this searching and seeking and change based on someone or some
philosophy, there is no accounting for this except that something Divine is in

It was said in this outpouring in that town that, “All
trivial and worldly activities were halted. Christianity was the main subject of
conversations in our streets, stores, and even the bars and inns. Businesses,
factories, and shops were closed in the evenings so that all might attend the

“All types of people were under conviction of their sin and being
impacted. Many who had regularly been in church their whole life and had even
been through previous awakenings but never were moved beyond religion, we now
made to tremble before the cross. In this town alone, four lawyers, four doctors
and all the merchants who were not saved before the awakening all gave their
lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

“A definite reformation of the community is too
apparent to everyone to be denied. The Lord’s day is an awesome day of
celebration. Drinking and swearing have been broken. There is a good feeling in
our families and neighborhoods. The Churches are blessed to be in harmony, and
the truth can be said that the Christians love one