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The following story is why we do what we do; releasing the next generation to hear from God, on their own, and bring “Kingdom” to the world. Enjoy…

Cassie Morgan is one of our staff members with AIM that has been in Swazi for some time… she was going home last month and asked one of our World Racers, Chris Telfer, to find a little orphan girl named Donzula for her; this is Donzula. She is four years old and lives out in the bush some where in Swaziland, Africa and that is all Chris new.

When Cassie met Donzula, she found her living in a ditch, bleeding in places she should not be bleeding and completely orphaned. Our World Racer was in Mozambique and Cassie sent him the email saying, “when you arrive in Swazi, will you PLEASE go and find her” here is the story from Chris;

“I prayed and asked God, and all He said was “Find her”! I had NO idea where she was and so I start asking local pastors and people if they new a little girl named Donzula. After 21/2 to 3 weeks of asking people, and 3 days out in the bush, I showed her picture to a go-go (Grandma that takes care of the orphans here) and she said “I know where she is” So yesterday one of the local pastors took our team from home-stead to home-stead searching desperately for this child of God… as we where showing her picture a 7 to 9 year old boy just took off running. I watched him as he ran over one hill then the next, and then he disappeared. 5 Minutes later, out in the distance, I see this boy running towards us with someone on his back; my heart start beating, my spirit start singing and I knew this piggy back riding little girl was our little girl”.

In her torn sweater and red boots Chris says through an interpreter; “I am Cassie’s friend” Donzula smiles and raises her arms towards Chris. “I picked her up and the Lord said hand her to Erin, (One of our other racers), and Erin’s heart broke. She said it’s only happened a couple times, but the Lord placed Donzula’s heart into mine and I could not contain my emotions”!

Donzula is now a part of our ever growing family here… thank you Cassie, Chris, Erin and Jesus; wouldn’t want to do this without you.

4 responses to “Why we do, what we do”

  1. Gary , Chris , Erin – I can`t see for the tears . This makes everything worthwhile – and you know we have to do this a million times . So proud of you all .. xo Andrew.

  2. Receiving stories like this brings home the reality of what we are here for – to allow the Lord to intervene in unwanted, uncomfortable and tragic situations. The amazing thing is, he chooses to use us in the process! Thanks for listening to Him. Blessings.

  3. I got chills on this one, bro! I know it happens countless times per day and it touches my heart to know that your influence on the ground will give order, direction, focus and make an even greater impact on the heart of Africa!

  4. Whoah! Thanks so much for sharing this story and for being there to touch with the Father’s care… pure and undefiled religion, the very heart of Jesus TRULY!! It’s His Love melting hearts and healing with a power immensely stronger than death! “Thank You, Precious Lord!!”