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From Father’s Rights by Jeffrey M. Leving and Kenneth A. Dachman, Basic Books, 1997. ISBN 0-465-023629-2

Facts compiled by the National Fatherhood Initiative: Updated


Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school then their classmates who live with two parents


Seventy-two percent of all teenage murderers grew up without fathers


Fatherless children are eleven times more likely then are children from intact families to exhibit violent behavior.


Eighty percent of adolescents in psychiatric hospitals come from fatherless homes.


Seventy percent of the kids now incarcerated in juvenile corrections facilities grew up in a single-parent environment


Three out of four teen suicides occur in single-parent families


Compared to girls raised in homes where both parents are present, the daughters of single parents are 164-percent more likely to become pregnant before marriage


Compared to girls raised in homes where both parents are present, 53 percent more likely to marry as teenagers


Compared to girls raised in homes where both parents are present, 92 percent more likely to dissolve their own marriages


The absence of a biological father increases by 900 percent a daughter’s vulnerability to rape and sexual abuse (often these assaults are committed by stepfathers or the boyfriends of custodial mothers).


Children whose fathers are absent consistently score lower than the norm in reading and math tests.


Children who live apart from their fathers experience more accidents and a higher rate of chronic asthma, headaches, and speech defects.

compiled by the Department of Justice:


of youth suicides are from fatherless homes


of all homeless and runaway youths are from fatherless homes.


of children who exhibit behavioral disorders are from fatherless homes.


of high school dropouts are from fatherless homes.


of youths in State institutions are from fatherless homes.


of adolescent patients in substance abuse centers are from fatherless homes. 


of rapists motivated by displaced anger are from fatherless homes.

(David Blankenhorn) states:

“Fatherlessness is the most destructive trend of our generation.”

U.S. Vice President Al Gore declared in a 1997 speech:

“absent fathers are behind most social woes.”

FBI statistics:

“a missing father is a more reliable predictor of criminal activity than race, environment, or poverty.”


for Health Statistics (1995):

200% A child living with a divorced mother is almost twice as likely as a children living with both parents to repeat a grade of school, contract anemia, and suffer from intestinal distress, bed-wetting, and stuttering.

From The Father Connection by Josh McDowell. Broadman & Hoffman, 1996. ISBN 0-8054-6094-2




60% ”young white, teenage girls living in fatherless homes… were 60 percent more likely to have premarital intercourse than those living in two-parent homes.”

Dr. Loren Moshen, of the National Institute of Mental Health, analyzed
census figures:

The absence of a father is a stronger factor than poverty in contributing to juvenile delinquency.

A group of Yale behavioral scientists studied delinquency in forty-eight cultures around the world:

Crime rates were highest among adults who as children had been raised solely by women

Dr. Martin Deutsch:

A father’s presence and conversation, especially at dinner time, stimulates a child to perform better at school.

Father: the Figure and the Force (Christopher Anderson):

A study of 7000 women working in topless bars and strip clubs: “Most of these women conceded that they were probably looking for the male attention that they had never gotten during their childhood.

White House Paper (October 25, 1984): 7-8 “Changes in the American Family” by Armand Nicholi Jr.:

“An emotionally or physically absent father contributes to a child’s (1) low motivation for achievement; (2) inability to defer immediate gratification for later rewards; (3) low self-esteem; and (4) susceptibility to group influence and to juvenile delinquency.”

Who are your Spiritual Sons?!    For more imformation go to “America’s Stolen Children”