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From Seth:

Recently I was talking to Andrew Shearman about one of his life messages – the 42nd generation.   It’s such an original and provocative talk; I wondered where it came from.  The idea is that there is a generation that will
come to faith and cross over the Jordan.

Adam lost his birthright – the title to stewardship of this world. But God had a plan for getting it back. He
had a second Adam. As the New Testament
opens up in Matthew 1, we see it. In
apparently boring detail we see there were 42 generations from Abraham to
Christ. Why does God begin telling the story like this?

As Andrew explains,
the secret is that Jesus the Christ was the 42nd generation – the generation
that gets the Promised Land. And so, in
our day we can align ourselves with that generation – a generation coming to
During our conversation in a hotel in Dallas, he gave me the background on it.