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Thoughts & Inspiration

met with Danny Seay and Tom Deuschle today; Danny is a friend of 18
years that has stood by me when very few have been there… Tom is a new
friend, but challenged me today more then most have the balls to do.

Danny Seay,
(be careful to click on his name; his gift from God will “Blow” you up
if you contact him)! Danny is a treasure from God for my family; he
knew me when I was well known, he knew me when know one else cared –
and he has loved my weakness as much as my strength. I have only a
couple friends like him.

Pastor Deuschle
is an American that has been in Zimbabwe, Africa for 29 years – he
seemed to understand me today… he has raised his family in Africa, done
things wrong, but, in the last few years has learned Kingdom and how to
empower everyone around him. Tom has raised million’s of dollars for
his work in Africa, most of it Africa money, not American! In a society
with 500,000 % inflation, where a hamburger cost you thousands of
dollars, where people have had to result to cannibalism; he has learned
to thrive in Kingdom work – In our four hours together today I learned
a great deal…

the end of our time, Tom asked, “Gary what is your purpose? Wait,
before you answer; not what is your anointing? Not what is your
calling? What is your purpose, why were you born?!”

we wept, laughed, and talked about our passions in life – orphans,
widows, the next generation becoming fully alive – he stopped me and

“When you are in your Purpose, everything else will line up:
finances, proper authority in your life, demonic people stopped. You
are not an ‘Echo’ anymore; you are a Voice! This last year in Africa
was so God could give you His eyes for the orphan and give you your
message for a generation. As Elijah in 1 Kings 19 quieted all the other
voices in his life by pulling a cloak over his ears, it’s time in your
life to hear the voice of God and live your purpose.”

“Gary, what is your purpose?” He challenged me.

I responded: “I
was born to create wealth for the kingdom of God, raise up a million-orphan army and release a generation into their destiny. It’s not what
I do, it’s who I am; it is my Purpose in life, and it has and will
cost me everything.”

“Good,” pastor Tom said. “Now, go do it and find
the people that will do it with you; they are your family, they are
those that will invest in you, they are your covering, and they are your
sons and daughters.”

Can I ask you the same question? What is your purpose?

8 responses to “What is your purpose?”

  1. Gary… I loved this! I love opening your blogs and reading about your heart… i’m so excited and honored to be a little piece of your purpose! 🙂

  2. I hear your heart and continue to lift you up in every way. You’ve identified your purpose and now it’s time to mobilize!

  3. today, my purpose is to be your wife, and raise your six children, somebody’s gotta do it…most are just not man enough for that job,
    your wife

  4. good stuff. I am getting tired of going from place to place. Sure there is the purpose to bring kingdom, but what is my purpose in that big picture. Guess I am going to have to sit down with the Lord and figure that one out. thanks man.

  5. this really is awesome. funny enough the pastor at the church i went to last sunday talked about something really similar. now to just sit at the feet of Jesus and be able to put what’s in my heart on paper… that is the issue.