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By 2010 we will have more then 145 million orphans in the world. When I say “Orphan” I mean a child that has no parents because of AIDS, alcohol, prostitution, murder, or just abandonment; it all depends on where you are born in the world…

In India you can buy a little 6 year old girl for $1 US dollar for sex – in Thailand the fathers sell their little girls so the family can eat – in Russia Vodka and abandonment ravish the country – of course in Africa we have many “Double Orphans” because of AIDS… babies, children left to themselves – no Christmas, no birthday; do you think these fatherless kids care who are president is…

I read in the paper this morning, associated press, that because of fraud, new restrictions on applications and because people are “Tightening Up” their wallets, “the number of foreign children adopted by Americans fell 12 percent in the past year, reaching the lowest level since 1999”.

China, which for a decade was the leading source of international adoptions accounted for the biggest decline and dropped out of the top spot. It was replaced by Guatemala, which will not stay at the top very long because of corruption.

For 2008, Americans adopted 17,438 foreign orphans – 19,613 in 07 – the all time peak was 22,884 in 2004…

I am not sure of the exact percentage, but… 143 million to 22,884 adopted… we must raise them up; create jobs, safety and family right where they live.

Adoption of course is a wonderful answer for some family’s – I am in full support – but when 0.001% of these helpless children are rescued on a yearly basis – we must do more!

What can you do?