
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everybody, we are in Africa! It has been an amazing bit of travel; spent some time in South Africa with some of our team and cannot believe the change that has gone on in their hearts and minds from last October. The maturity, life, love for Africa and the orphans that they are serving is awesome! It was very encouraging.

The family is out at some “Care Points” today loving on the kids and learning how things work… I am sitting in our offices, (surprisingly with very good internet for here), working on emails and really hearing from the Lord on His heart for this place… it is hard to build trust here as a lot of missionaries have come and gone, a lot of money has been spent with not much change, and the people here feel used, tired and just want relationship. We will move slow, but deliberate; build strong relationships, learn, serve, not put our “American” mind-set on the table and listen very close.

As we were driving into the capitol here, the Lord was very clear on how and what to do, but reminded me why we are here as a family; we must demonstrate, “Kingdom Family” the highest position in heaven is family. We will not have Apostles, prophets, etc in heaven, but we will have families. He wants us to demonstrate how a Kingdom family operates; affection, trust, instruction, serving, discipline, boundaries, market-place, ministry, working together as one family unit, sharing Jesus as we live. This is not about just serving orphans and starting a leadership/training center, it is about being Jesus at the restaurants, on the streets, at the store; that is the only expectation we feel from the Lord at this point, learn to serve, be My feet, hands, and voice to Africa and watch what I do!

We are watching and waiting with fear and trembling, our God is an awesome God!