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1Cor 3:12-15 speaks of our work here on earth and asks the question; how far are you willing to go? You can be “as one escaping through the flames” or you can actually look like Christ if you choose gold – the only mineral you can see your reflection in… I will blog the teaching later – but here is another blog from a World Racer; Jessica McVey She is going all the way in!

By the way; Jessica took time off serving for the armed forces in Iraq to join us on the World Race.

Going for Gold

Posted in Faith Journey by Jessica McVey on 10/20/2008

Believe it or not, I wrote this blog last week and never got around to posting it.  Here it is, a little late but not yet out of date:
Going for Gold

During our first week here in the Philippines, one of our coaches, Gary Black, spoke with us a great deal about our faith and going deeper in that faith with Christ.  The majority of His talks centered on spiritual gifts and the roles God calls us to play as a part of the body of Christ.  In His final talk with us, Gary spoke not only about gifts but also about our dedication to our walk with the Lord.  He challenged us to choose a material along with its refining process that would be an example of the refinement we wanted the Lord to do in our lives.  Gary challenged each of us to choose the material with the most in depth process, gold; however, he encouraged us to go before the Lord to decide whether or not He was calling us to ask for maximum refinement.  My initial thoughts when the challenge was placed upon us were “Of course I want gold”, but as I began thinking of what the refining process might entail, I began holding back from asking God to begin refining my faith. 
During the course of this first week of ministry, God has continued stretching me and often reminded me of Gary’s challenge.  As Satan’s attacks against me, my team and my family continue it is apparent to be that the refining process is already underway.  With several months of mission lying ahead, there is no room for a hesitant commitment to the Lord and to our faith.  Choosing the refining process of gold does not just mean committing a year of our life in service and following Christ, but committing our entire lives, no matter what the cost.  We will never know what the refining process might bring, but we CAN be assured that the Lord will never give us more than we can handle.  Furthermore, asking the Lord to refine our faith through an in depth refining process ends with our lives looking more like that of Christ.

I now feel confident saying “I’m going for gold”-stepping out in faith and putting my trust in Christ the Lord to transform my faith and my life! 

One response to “Want to look like Jesus”

  1. Gold is very precious and by and large immune from the inflation that attacks the dollar. It is a safe investment. Spiritually it is the same, it requires paying a great price, through refinement, which is not pleasant, being prepared to face an uncertain future. When we are refined we do not panic, do not “un” trust God, we do not look for avenues of escape we keep our eyes on the prize, Jesus Christ (the real gold). That is what refinement and maturity bring us.