
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We had our G42 Church gathering last night at our house… for some reason God keeps showing up and blessing all of us.

Leon and Amanda Laubscher from South Africa were with us – Leon shared on some revelation the Lord has been giving him for the past year or so and how God wants us as individuals to bless the body of Christ. I have some notes and will be blogging it soon – really great stuff!

One of the mothers of a World Racer that is in the middle of their missionary journey joined us last night – here is an email she sent me this morning…

Hi Lisa Marie and Gary,

Thank you SO much for the incredible night last night! It was truly a spirit filled experience for me and to think I was with mostly people I had never met.  I can tell you I want MORE! I so want to be in the spirit and that really helped me in my walk to know that I TOO can prophesize!  Last night I dreamt in detail about all the things I could see because I could prophesize. This foreign and strange word to me of “prophesy” now has personal meaning and is ALIVE!  WOW!  This morning on my walk with my dog I sang and prayed in tongues the whole time (another first). I just wanted you to know I found my time last night to be very powerful and confirms I want MORE. 

I have been praying for God to reveal to me what his desires are for me and so prophetic that you prayed Gary for my desires!!  God is doing so much it’s hard for us to comprehend.  I want MYSELF to get out of the way and let Him do his work in and through me for others. 

Thank you for ALL you do for The Kingdom. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.

God’s Blessings and love on your day,

This is what we are looking for – “Fully Alive” people that just want more – I think that’s all God is looking for as well…

3 responses to “Walk your dog and sing!”

  1. AWESOME!!!

    Man it’s such a priveledge to be walking and seeing the the Global Body of Jesus @ work.
    I loved spending time and sharing with you. I pray God opens more doors to you & yours as you do what He has placed in your hands to do.

    Tammy, the life of the prophetic is a tumulteous one – keep your eyes on Jesus & he’ll take care of the storms.

    We love you guys.

  2. How exciting that people are becoming free and realizing a portion of their inheritance! Great to be a part of it.