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Just received this from Jumbo, our man on the ground in Swazi… this is unacceptable and we must do something! More prayer, more giving, more of us… living there taught me a lot of things; the most important – we are all family and we all need each other.

Today was our last carepoint Christmas party and it went really well, but this blog is not about the party. We will do one on Monday. But early this morning I went to Pastor Walter’s house to pick up him and his wife so that they can be part of the last party. The news that awaited me there wasn’t so good. At 4 am this morning men broke into their house, told Pastor Walter to keep quiet, otherwise they will shoot him; then they asked for the money of the bags / purses the ladies are making and the money the ‘white people’ are giving them. Of course Pastor Walter didn’t have any of these, but he was saving money to buy a cow for his church to celebrate Christmas. This was about R5000 or US $500 and the thugs got away with it. After they took the money they told Pastor Walter that they will be back and they left.

Walter is of course upset, because he feels like he is trying to help the community and this just happened to him and he is also afraid for the safety of his family. (Luckily the children are unharmed and they slept through everything.)

By being one of our main ministry partners and by stepping up in the community to make a difference, Pastor Walter has become a target for things like this. Why? Because there is a misconception that he is receiving a lot of money from us or ‘the white people’.

Please pray with us against this way of thinking and lies, that something like this will not happen again, and for the protection of his family.

We are definitely going to help him make his house more secure. We do not want a repeat of this and we want his family to be safe!

4 responses to “Wake up call”

  1. Man. I met Walter and his family back in 06. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I’ll pray for my brothers and sisters there. Anything else?

  2. Prayin’ with ya…just illustrates our need to be there more and more and more…yikes…reminds me of our squad’s time in Jo-burg…argh….