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I asked World Racer Chad Mast to take over the radio show one day last week, and he did a great job. Here’s a blog from his perspective on how God gave him what to share with the people of Swaziland:

“The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.” – Psalm 25:14

Gary said, “I want you to fill in for my radio station while I am gone”. I kind of looked at him a little surprised realizing that he was not kidding around and accepted. He told me that the Voice of the Church radio station reached out to Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland and had a total of 2.4 million listeners. I am not going to lie; I might have held my breath for a moment.

The radio station was set for Saturday at noon and would last for a half hour. I asked the Lord what he wanted me to speak on. The week before they focused on Psalm 103:13  – “As a father loves his children, so the Lord loves those who fear him.”

The entire month the Lord has been speaking to me about the fear of the Lord so the request was answered.

I lay in the hammock before the show on Saturday smiling at the opportunity that lay before me. I mean, give me a break, if you would ask anyone of my friends two years ago if they would have ever guessed that I would be on a radio station speaking on the fear of the Lord, they would have laughed. Well, God opened the door, and I sit humbled at how amazing He is.

It was time to meet Pastor Gift and begin the show. We sat together before we were going to go on air and gave the entire program to the Lord. We gave Him all the glory and invited Him to take control of our thoughts and direct us in our every move. The Holy Spirit dropped and we were ready to go.

I entered the studio with a huge smile on my face. I was about to go on air and preach the Word of God. I had never experienced anything like this before and you would think that I would have been nervous but the Lord showered me with peace through the entire program.

Pastor gift opened the show with an introduction and then he turned it over to me. He had me introduce myself and explain what I was doing with my life.

We then opened the program with prayer and said that the topic of the day was the fear of the Lord. The Lord took control and we preached the Word of God with all our hearts.

I praise God that I was able to share His word to the world. It was an experience that I will forever remember and be humbled because of.

May the Lord Bless you immensely on this glorious day.