
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Seth Barnes did a great job of explaining what an incredible moment we had here in Swaziland as we planted our first G42 church and ordained Pastor Gift:

It was a good day for orphans yesterday, at least in my world.

We had found 95 orphans in the Swaziland dirt last summer with no one to look after them. We felt God saying, “Take care of them.” You can read the story of how we started on Morgan’s blog. And God took our efforts and multiplied them. Here’s a video of the inauguration of our first center for these orphans. You can see my partners in crime, Gary Black and Andrew Shearman, in all their glory.

If any of you are interested in traveling to see and work on this project June 18-25 with Seth and I and our wives, please get in touch with me. We’re conducting a vision trip there. Go to Lisa’s blog to see more about it.