
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Continued from Jan 9th

As promised we will start our journey of getting to know the Characteristics of David’s life.

Passion – Brokenness – Unashamed – Humility – Noble Leadership

The first time God mentioned David in the bible he called him “A man after God’s own heart” and the last time God mentions David in Acts he says the same thing… “David is a man after my own heart”!

I know when I get to heaven, or even today, I want to hear those words over my life – “You are a man after my own heart”

The first Characteristic of David’s life that we need, or get to model, is Passion. Intimacy with our Father in heaven and a radical worshiper of God!

David wrote some of the hottest worship songs ever recorded on the back side of the desert – as a boy he began to get the idea of a father in heaven that is a daddy – a lover – a friend.

Passion is a powerful emotion – passion drove Christ to the cross – His passion for you and me…

Psalms 84 – meditate on the whole thing – “my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” – even when we are in the “Valley of Baca” (place of tears) we go from “Strength to Strength”! If you have “Set your heart on a pilgrimage” no matter what season of life you are in, you are strengthened; That’s passion – that was David!

Have you ever studied the different seasons of David’s life? The desert, the palace, the cave, the kingdom… worth your time.

David was passionate after God. Passion is a pre-requisite to: Intimacy and becoming a worshiper… one of my buddies, said it well – “Intimacy is a place we reach, not an emotion. To reach that place of intimacy, you need a powerful emotion.”

Passion filled David on the hillside during the quiet place – his own intimacy with dad.

Bethlehem was a small beginning – born in a manger, in a barn; it was a “season” of small beginnings… The significance is not the birth of passion, but how it matures. David began not only a journey of seasons, but a journey of learning the key heart values.

It all started with a passion to know His father in heaven…