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Thoughts & Inspiration

In early 1994 I sold everything we had and moved to Kansas City. My motorcycle, home, cars – (You notice I list motorcycle first, that one hurt the deepest)! I felt the Lord asked me to “Burn The Ships” and start a walk of faith at a deeper level…

We started a ministry call Rock The Nations and had the amazing opportunity to sit under Mike Bickle’s teaching’s for a few years… Mike has done many things that have changed the course of Christianity and how we do it – International House Of Prayer, life in the Prophetic, but, his teaching’s on Song of Solomon and the Life of David have impacted me more then anything else… (Mike on left, me and Lou Engle)

The idea that our walk as Christians is more of a love affair with a Father in heaven that desperately loves us and would rather die then not have daily relationship with us. As His sons and daughters we get all of Him and can give Him all of us freely, and, in-fact He did send Himself to die for each one of us. Christianity is not about performance or right and wrong, but about relationship and bringing life – those years formed who I am today and what I teach.

From the revelation that God has given Mike Bickle on the different stages of David’s life and the way they correlate with ours; It spurred me on to dig into David’s life and how he responded to sin, scorn, abandonment, holiness, grace; and what Characteristics marked him as a man that God called “A man after His own heart”…

I want to share those with you over my next few blogs if you are up for it? The first Characteristic is Passion – Intimacy, worshiper of God!

Hope you enjoy…