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This is from Mike Paschall’s Church website… and he is right! We need to help Pastor Gift… please leave a comment below and follow the link if you will commit to pray and/or give, thanks!


pastor gift & the nsoko need

October 26th, 2008

Before departing The World Race Training Camp in Gainsville last week, I had the chance to hook-up with Jumbo, whom I had met while in Swaziland.  A monster of a man, but totally sold out to God’s work in Swazi.  I inquired about Pastor Gift and how he was doing.  Jumbo responded with tired irritation (it helps to hear this in a passionate South African accent)….”the man of God needs reliable transportation!  The ministry suffers when he is afoot!  We just spent $2,000 on his car and they didn’t fix it.  The mechanics say they’ve done all they can do!  To replace the engine is more than the car is worth!”  I asked, “So, what needs to happen?”  Jumbo, “He needs another car!”  Me, “How much?”  Jumbo, “About $7,000 to $8,000 gets him something reliable and trustworthy!”


I emailed Seth Barnes of AIM and he confirms the need.  I’m asking us to go to prayer on this, respond if you can and spread the word to anyone and everyone who has a heart for what God is doing with the Nsoko orphans.  Jumbo lives in Swazi and works with Pastor Gift, he knows the needs and what is for real.  This is urgent and necessary!


Please direct your funds to:  Every Tribe International – POB 176 – McGregor, TX 76657

(If you want to wire funds for this, email me and I’ll get you the wiring instructions)  [email protected]

Thank You!
