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Thoughts & Inspiration

One of our key “Kingdom” philosophies that we teach is that you do not have to look for the will of God; you are the will of God. You don’t have to keep asking for an answer, you are the answer. God limited Himself to you and me to carry out His work on earth; “Bring heaven down to earth” and make the rest of the planet look like the Garden of Eden; every place you put your foot is His; dominion.

How many times have you read the story about the “widow’s two coins” in Luke 21:2?

Verse 2 – 4 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “I tell you the truth,” He said, “This poor widow has put in more then all others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Our first morning in Swaziland; we experienced these scriptures and they came alive to all of us on the vision trip, maybe for the first time…

35 or so of our Gogo’s (Grandma’s) gathered in the community center on our “Children’s Village” property. Through Pastor Gift interpreting they proceeded to tell us how, after 50 years of prayer, God sent the Black family and G42 as “The Answer” to their prayers.

They had all made with their own hands or purchased small gifts for my family; one of the Gogo’s made us a table cloth, another made Lisa a necklace, baskets, cloths, flowers… as Pastor Gift would call one of them up representing one of our 7 care points, they would stand in front of me, lay the gift at my feet or place it in my hands and tell us what we meant to them.

I could hardly stand. This is all they had – they “put in all they had to live on.”

As I stood there weeping, shaking, trying with all my might to not lose it; I looked over at the people that had joined us for the vision trip; tears, amazement, and then one of them said; I have read Luke 21:2 about the two coins many times… today I saw it with my own eyes…