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still have a number of World Racers here in Swaziland and two nights
ago we had the privilege of sitting around the fire in our back yard;
they are some of the most incredible people any where in the world…

I have been asking the Lord how to get back to a place of authority and
anointing that I have experienced before in the past. I know it’s about
intimacy, but there is a part of me that really misses the “Fire” of
the Holy Spirit dropping at the end of a message.

Or the presence of
God being so thick while ministering, you just know people are going to
be delivered, set free, so filled with the Spirit of God that they will
never be the same! I am jealous for the power to show back up again and
release what Paul says best – “The Kingdom of God does not come by
word, but by power” -1 Cor 4:20

We sat around the fire talking about Kingdom and what it looks like. We
talked about “light” subjects; Covenantal community, apostolic covering,
true authority, what it means to “father” a generation, not take from
it. We worshiped, prayed, and had an encounter with the living God.

These young missionaries are hungry for the things of God, afraid they
will disappoint and desperate to do it right. I was so enriched, so
filled up, I realized, again, it’s just about hanging out; walking out
life together with people that want to establish Jesus on earth and
fathering a generation of young radicals that will go way past anything
I have ever done.

The Lord spoke very clearly – “Gary, I brought you to Africa to serve
the forgotten of the earth. To be hidden from what you have been told
is success. You want the “Anointing” back? Hold and protect some more
orphans, sit around the fire with my children and rest. You will see
more “Fire” then you ever dreamed.”