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I meet my wife in January of 2000; I was going through an unusually hard time in my life and I was really just going through the motions, trying to survive…

My original wife ending our marriage, my three sons, my ministry; everything seemed to be gone.

And then I met Eve. If you work out the name “Eve” in the bible to the very end, it means “Life Saver” literally, “sent to save your life”! Lisa-Marie, my life-long wife now, was head of counseling at the pregnancy center and a few of my interns from the ministry were serving her. One evening in late January I walked in to ask how things were going with our interns and if we could do any more. As I stood in her office, listened to her passion for the next generation, orphans, life, I thought, “Man, she would make the perfect wife for a wild man like me”! We had never met, but she had heard of me as she had met my original wife once before at a bible study she hosted at her house a couple years before.

Little by little, piece by piece, she began to put me back together; speaking life over me, treating me with respect, calling the man out in me, making me feel like I was worthy as a father, a friend. Isn’t amazing men when your wife is full of life for you, believes in you no matter the circumstance? What that does to your heart, how much that makes you want to serve her and make her great! Lisa-Marie, “Eve”, not only put me back together, but she made me realize once again that marriage is a life-giving, sanctified, amazing gift from the Father and that it is to be respected and fought for.

We know our family can make it through anything now; why? Life brings storms, we make stupid mistakes, we are falsely accused; but, when you have the foundation of Jesus Christ, your marriage, your children, you can make it through anything the world, your flesh or the devil has to throw at you… live your dreams today!

7 responses to “Then I met “Eve””

  1. What a beautiful tribute to my beautiful
    friend. There is no greater gift from a husband than these words you just presented
    to your wife. I thank you for honoring her.
    Eve, indeed! Praise our magnificent living God!

    In Him,


  2. it goes much deeper than barbie and ken…. little did we know! mom and dad are so in love and i want to be in a relantionship like that… i want to marry a man like my daddy and be a “eve” like my mommy!
    much love,
    your daughter

  3. I still believe in you, now more than ever, you have exceeded my expectations and dreams as a husband, best-friend, and father of my children…I will follow you anywhere!

  4. Amen that’s what Christ intended as the body! How you rise early with your children to feed them the word of God amazes me. God is raising warriors up with in your family! Your family is a huge threat to the enemy, he is going to do all he can to destroy you guys but stand on what you know- THE WORD OF GOD! Ephesians 6. Love you people!