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Coming home from
America back to
Swaziland this week
was like getting run over by a truck! The jet lag seems more then usual as I
just can’t seem to get back to normal… but, walking into our weekly staff
meeting today just pushed me over the edge.

We opened with prayer and I began to
share about my incredible trip to the States and the time I had at the Call Las
Vegas (see Calling the Youth of America to Their Destiny) and with my family and friends back in
Colorado. I shared
about the miracles, the people, and how God is moving on the youth of
America. I was
upbeat and excited.

We then asked Becca to share. Becca
heads up our high school ministry here and takes Alexis with here often to hold
bible studies, drama’s and special events for the high
school girls here in Swazi.

She shared how last week many of her girls dropped
out of school because they were pregnant from their teachers, family members and
others, (the young girls here many times cannot pay for their school fees, so
the teachers trade the fees for sex), 13 year old girls, out of school, infected
with HIV and the reality of children raising children continued. Becca wept as
she tried to hold a graduation for the girls to make them feel better, but their
families couldn’t afford E5 for the hats so they didn’t want to have the party.
R5 is less then one dollar…

Colin, another staff member, began
to share how one of our “kitchens” blew over from the wind last week right on
top of one of our go -go’s (grandma’s) that feeds a couple hundred children a
day. We didn’t have the money right now to rebuild the kitchen, which is a wood
covering, so Ruby was cooking for the kids out in the rain and wind. On top of
that she has to store the food about 1k away and walks back and forth to make
sure these fatherless children have something to eat once each day…

The staff shared stories of kids
starving to death, getting attacked, raped, and how two of our missionaries had
been stabbed and robbed a little ways from one of our care points, all last

It was a slap in the face and a slap
back into reality! I watched thousands of young people make commitments to God
last week in America, and I
wonder, do they really know what is going on around the world, do they really know the price that must be paid?

6 responses to “The price that must be paid”

  1. Gary – so proud of you ! No ! I don`t think they do , I`m nor sure many of us do . But finding out has to be better than lowering your handicap by 2 strokes in the 10 years or an extra glass of martini at lunchtime . So help us God ! xo A.

  2. Reality .. ouch! A broken family in Las Vegas, HIV in Swaziland, the hearts of his people ..
    God has called incredible people like you, Lisa & your team to raise Swazi, as well as to bring “Swazi reality” a little closer to the lives of us who open our closets wondering “if we have anything to wear” or whether or not we want a grande or a venti non-fat white chocolate extra hot mocha on our way to work each morning.
    Walking the line between these two realities is difficult .. but God has given you His vision, His wisdom & His passion. We will continue to pray for His provision, His protection & His blessings to cover you.
    You are His hands, His feet and His voice .. and you understand His love for the bootclad teens in the USA and the barefoot children in Nsoko .. we are all His precious children.
    PTL that you hear his voice & don’t hesitate to do His work when He calls!

  3. Gary,
    It was a wonderful, although all too short, visit. We’re praying for you now that you are back in reality. Love you all.

  4. Gary,

    I read your letter on Seth’s blog. It was there that I posted my comments. I hope you take a minute to read them.


  5. Be encouraged Gary! The Lord is certainly working in your ministry and through this passion that will wake up a generation to meet these needs. I believe in it. I see it happening, slowly…but most definetly happening. God bless you and your family in Swazi. Praying for you. : )