
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When you are living in a country where 50% of the population is infected with what seems to be an incurable disease it’s hard to grasp.
  Knowing that about half the people you meet will be dead in the next 10 years or so doesn’t seem real at times…

In our staff meeting today we talked about all of the things we are doing on a daily basis to help bring change and hope to
Africa. Our holistic orphan care, (we take care of five basic needs of orphans; physical, spiritual, emotional, educational, sociological).
  Our leadership/discipleship school we are starting to try and empower the next generation and how we must raise up locals to take over everything we are doing here, our western missionaries that are coming by the hundreds. Our high school abstinent programs, our women’s ministry helping the ladies have a voice and have protection. We talked about our partnerships with other ministries, Church’s, business and people that are helping and we talked about the funds that are needed to get it to the next level.

After two hours of prayer this morning and at the end of our two to three hour update and strategy meeting we came to the conclusion, once again; that the only hope, the only answer, is Jesus. As people continue to throw millions of dollars into
Africa and you study the success and failure of other countries like


Zimbabwe, and

Botswana. We have to always come back to the harsh reality that we must save as many souls as we can, as quickly as possible, so that we can fill heaven with these amazing people.

They say that 900 people a day die in

South Africa from AIDS, and thousands more in


Cambodia, and even

America. My children, my wife and hundreds of others like us are faced with this reality every day; we stare in the face of this demonic tragedy and at the end of the day, when we sit on our back porch as a family, we come to the same conclusion; Jesus is the only answer.

4 responses to “The only answer is Jesus”

  1. What joy it will be to dance in the streets of heaven with you & the souls you save this week .. and the next .. and the next! You obviously have God’s heart, His vision, His passion & His blessing .. / PTL .. Patti-Mom & Danny

  2. Gary – They will say : “I heard him preach and I followed Jesus”. You are God with skin on and I am so proud of you … Miss Lisa and your brilliant family . His Kingdom COME . xo A .

  3. Africa brings out Jesus in most who go there, if, He is the focus of their lives. He truly has come out in you my son, I am very proud of you.