
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everybody,

Believe it or not, we are on our way to Africa! The battle has been intense; the resistance over whelming at times, but the release and beginning of the journey has been amazing!

The kids are so full of excitement and life… Tyler has been as giddy as a 5 year old, Michael keeps talking about the kids he remembers from his trip last August and just can hardly contain himself with the thought of playing soccer with them again. I have to say, to see the joy and refreshing on the family and to have the heaviness, frustration and some times confusion of waiting, lift off, well, it’s priceless.

The support from all of you as been humbling and we are so thankful for the prayers, fasting, all the sacrifice that each of you have put in to see this family’s dream become reality.

So, contact will be sporadic as we are making our way over and setting up the house etc, we will communicate the best we can over the next couple months. Please come along on this journey with us and pray really hard about coming over very soon… we have a number of families and hundreds of young people joining us for the summer, and with the vacation homes that Bulembu is doing and our connections with the locals, not to mention it being our home now, we can take very good care of you!

Lisa and I, and each one of the kids are overjoyed and very aware of this call. The initiation of warfare here has really helped us to understand that we must be sharp spiritually and fully dependent on the whisper of God.

We really do need your prayers and we really need you to prophecy every day over the dead bones of Africa to come alive! If you can come along side of us financially, please click here and do so, if not, no worries, this is God’s battle and He has proven that over and over, and we are just getting to the promise land! We love you and can’t wait to be back in touch, the journey is what it is all about, keep living your dreams.

Gary, Lisa-Marie, Tyler, Alexis, Emily, Michael, Caleb and Noah

8 responses to “The journey is what it is all about”

  1. That’s great to hear, Gary. I’ll be in Bulembu with a team from my church from July 27-Aug 5. If you’re in the area it would be great to connect again and see your family. Tell Michael I need someone to get me some more clothes 🙂

  2. Praise God!! I am so grateful to hear of the mercies and blessings of God on your family. You all will impact the world greatly and it is great to watch! God bless you all.

  3. It’s such a strange place to be between a huge excitement for the release of you guys going and my own selfish sadness that the plane to see you will be a bit longer now. I think I’m mostly excited 🙂 Don’t think you’re ever more than an email away tho!!!

  4. I love you guys so much and was soooo surprised and glad to see you and hug you before you left!! I cannot wait to hear about and hopefully one day “see” all that God is going to do in you and through you in Swazi. I love you my African family!!!

  5. Awesome! I am very excited for all of you. Excited to arrive there as well.

    It is an amazing, never-ending journey we are on. Praise God we get to live it with Him.

  6. We are so excited for you all. So very sorry that we did not get to see you before you left, but that’s so insignificant compared to what you’re called to do. You’re on your way! We hope to see you again soon – in the world that you’ve been sent to change.