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As the famous Arnold Toynbee put it, “Civilizations die
from suicide, not murder.” That is for sure what is happening here in
Africa! When six of the 10 people you meet
will be dead in a few years, and they WILL not stop the behavior that is killing
them, it makes you question everything you are doing. The Muslims have picked up
on this in a radical way! They have been and are moving into
Africa and Europe in staggering

Africa. China.
Europe. The Muslims get it. What the Islamists have figured out is that they
know they can never win the on the battlefield, but they figure there’s an
excellent chance they can drag things out until western civilization collapses
in on itself, and Islam inherits by default.

Right now, more Muslims attend
religious services each week than Christians; Islam is the fastest growing
in the West.

fertility rate
, the number you need for merely a stable population, is
2.1 babies per women. Some countries
are well above that: the global fertility leader, Somalia,
is 6.91. Niger is 6.83,
6.78, and Yemen

Notice what those nations have in common?

If you scroll down
to the bottom of the top 100 breeders, you will eventually find
the U.S., hovering just at
replacement rate with 2.07 births per women.
is 1.87, New Zealand 1.79,
Australia 1.76, and Canada 1.5 (well below replacement rate).

and Austria
are at 1.3, the brink of the death spiral;
Russia and
Italy are at
1.2 (there were more abortions in
Russia than
births last year);
Spain is at 1.1, about
half-replacement rate (halving every generation). By 2050,
population will have fallen by 22%,
Bulgaria by
36%, and Estonia’s
by 52%.

Why does this matter? This isn’t a battle – at least, not against the Muslims. We
have to woo the Islamists with the love of Christ and show them
“Kingdom.” Kingdom isn’t just world evangelization.

It’s family. It’s
getting back in line with what God started with the patriarchs. This is the future of world missions – initiating young
people into radical lifestyles by showing them the heart of the Father
and introducing them to life in the Spirit. Then, they will take that
and share with others. More on Islam later…

7 responses to “The Growth of Islam”

  1. amazing article! My parents were just visiting the city of Sao Paulo last week and they were shocked to see an outdoor with huge letters saying: ” The Christian Churches are not united and Islam is growing.”
    So sad to read such a thing in one of the largests avenues of the city!
    May God use our generation to love the world and to love missions!

  2. Islam is the second largest religion and the fastest growing one too. 20,000 Americans revert each year. If a religion must be right then it must have proof!!!!!!!!!! Islam got that! Check it out!! Go see a debate between a christian and Muslim, the christian had no proof against the muslim, but the muslim had so many proofs against christiany because islam

  3. Islam is the second largest religion and the fastest growing one too. 20,000 Americans revert each year. If a religion must be right then it must have proof!!!!!!!!!! Islam got that! Check it out!! Go see a debate between a christian and Muslim, the christian had no proof against the muslim, but the muslim had so many proofs against christiany because islam is the true word of god!!!!

  4. The main reason that Islam is growing in the West is because it is the truth. As we can all see that Muslims are not doing the job of delivering the message, but it is the truth(Islam) itself that is overtaking hearts of hundreds of thousands in the West.
    If ones wants to know about the true Islam, one should read the Quran itself. The Quran has chalenged its reader to find any contradctions in it if they doubt that it is from other than Allah. There is no other religious book on the face of the earth that can make such a claim. Islam is has got beauty and it is beauty is its simplicity. Quranis a clear, simple, true word of God and guidance to mankind.