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Thoughts & Inspiration

whole life has been full of adventure, travel, and both amazing people
and some very bad people, the most incredible times and some really
awful times. Because of my personality and “minor” case of narcissism,
I have lived the highest of highs and the lowest of lows!

I am in a Bible study/accountability group of business men here in Africa; we
meet every Wednesday morning at 6:30. Part of our Wednesday “musts” is
to ask how each of us is doing; I always answer the same way: awesome
and tough and everything in between…

The “Call of God” on my life seems to match with my personality very

In the 90’s, I had the sweet privilege of being part of a pretty
amazing movement called Rock The Nations.

We experienced a major move
of God and were on the cutting edge of a prayer and fasting movement
that, despite us, changed the course of how youth ministry is done.

experienced many miracles, watched the Lord ravish a generation and at
many of our events would experience deliverances, angels and things you
wouldn’t believe if I told you.

We also had famous worship leaders that were, despite being married men
and fathers, sleeping with young girls. We had two leaders that
struggled with homosexuality tendencies and eventually acted on them with young

It seemed the more of the power of God that would come, the more
our leaders would succumb to their fleshly desires…

I was living my
dream and watching my friends bow to their sin and everything

This movement is still happening today through a ministry
now named The Call; they are godly people.

My dad is working on “Natural Resources” with the Russian
government, and Tom has over 200 orphanages there.

One trip would
be holding orphans, ministering and living in the depths of the Russian
plague of fatherlessness and what Vodka can do to a whole nation; the
next trip would be suits, government escorts and meeting with top level
Russian officials.

living here in Swaziland, Africa, it hasn’t changed.

We had lunch
Sunday with one of the highest ranking government officials here in
Swazi; he is with the ministry of Foreign Affairs and is helping us
with work permits, citizenship, and establishing our  leadership school.

He wants to introduce us to the King, and help us with other nations.

These are all pictures of last week: in the dirt with the most amazing
people in the world and at one of the nicest restaurants in Swazi with
government officials.

In the last few years, Lisa has come to the
conclusion that it will probably never change; if you’re in the dirt with
a world-changer or drinking wine with a King, as long as you are
“being” the will of God, the pay’s the same.

5 responses to “The dichotomy of a call”

  1. Black – all things to all men , so that we get a chance to win them . Sounds like Paul ! Paupers and Presidents and you can never be quite sure who`ll end up with the most influence ! Stay strong Mate . A.

  2. “If you become an expert in anything, you will stand before Kings.”
    You are an expert in the realm of the heart, Gary. As a result, you are qualified to minister to the “least of these” and to Kings.
    Your experience in both ministry and business has equipped you for this unusual time in history.
    Love you bro – D

  3. Your mother said to me awhile back that life has never been boring. I know Lisa feels the same way, at times I think she prays for boring. You have learned that ALL men whether rich or poor, elevated or put down, put their pants on the same way, one leg at a time. Each of them need Jesus, each of them need to be trained to serve the Lord, it does not matter who they are. So we are never impressed except by the Lord and what He wants to do. I love you.
    Your Dad.

  4. This email has fired me up bro. I will be lifting you guys up continually. A life like no other. Love you all.

  5. Great stuff! I love hearing about your family in Swazi, it’s the Hearns in about a year and a half! Keep it up man, we are keeping you and your family in prayer.