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I got this email from Lou Engle, an
old friend, awhile ago and wanted to share it with you. TheCall was a
ministry that came out of Rock The Nations. Lou Engle and I were
calling out a generation together, and this is the fruit of what God
had us cultivate for nine years.

In 1997 at a RTN event, this whole vision birthed.
My son Tyler was six at the time and painted on a picture for me of a dream he had.
He said it was what was going to happen at the event, and he explained it in
detail – I carried the painting for years after! On the last night of the event,
his painting happened in detail.

Lou and I were on our faces on the stage, the
glory of the Lord visibly came in the room, 700 kids were on their faces crying
out for their generation, and Lou looked up at me and said, “It’s the picture;
it’s the picture!” This same event is
what Lou is talking about in this email. Please pray for this significant time for a generation. If you have the
chance to attend the Call, it’ll be well worth it! Here’s the email from Lou:

“America is receiving Her apostles,
prophets, and evangelists, but She has not yet seen Her Nazirites!” This audible
voice from the Lord reverberated through my whole being, jarring me out of a
deep sleep into a wakened attentiveness to the Holy Spirit. I knew that the Lord
had spoken to me…

Because of this scriptural vision and hope of the Nazirites, a
week after the 1997 Promise Keepers’ Stand in the Gap gathering in Washington,
DC, I prophesied at a youth/young adult conference in the deserts of the
Southwest that God was raising up a young Nazirite, John the Baptist movement
that would go to the Mall in Washington, DC to fast and pray for a spiritual
awakening in America. I declared that when they would go to fast and pray, it
would be a sign that America is turning to God.

On September 2, 2000,
over 400,000 people gathered at the Mall in Washington, DC for the first TheCall
DC gathering. I believe that solemn assembly was a fulfillment of the prophecy I
received in 1997 in the deserts of the Southwest and it was a sign from heaven
that this nation was turning to God…

Today, wherever I travel across America,
I run into young people who were there that day in 2000 and say that the
Nazirite call changed their lives forever. I still believe that despite a
darkening culture around us, this nation can turn back to God because America is
beginning to receive Her Nazirites in this hour of our nation’s

Thus, seven years
after TheCall DC, we are summoning all those who gathered then to come to Las
Vegas on October 20, 2007 for TheCall Las Vegas to renew their consecration
before the Lord to turn a nation to God.

Elsewhere in Nevada, a gathering
called the “Burning Man” is held in the middle of the desert year after year.
For a week, tens of thousands act out their fantasies of a world without rule
and restraint in an orgy of hedonism and fire.

But two thousand years
ago, there was another Burning Man who roamed the deserts of Judea. His name was
John the Baptist. History tells us that hundreds of thousands of Jews went out
into the wilderness to see this Nazirite Burning Man—the one Jesus called “a
bright and blazing torch”…

God is raising up a
Burning Man generation and calling out for thousands of young people to
consecrate themselves to the Lord as Nazirites and become the hinge of history
for Las Vegas and this nation, turning them back to God…

“Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, gather to
us there. Our God will fight for us” (Nehemiah 4:20).