
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We have all had those jobs that we just had to do to make it. You know those jobs that we feel are below us, or that we are overqualified for, but for some reason we had to do them just to get by…

When we were starting Rock The Nations in the early 90’s it was hard. I went from being very successful in the marketplace, executive positions, to doing some things I thought I would never have to do – jobs I thought were for other people that didn’t have the faith I had!

We would start the day at 6:00 am with prayer. The staff and interns of RTN would gather and we would call down heaven for a couple hours… then I would do the morning teaching session. After lunch we would all get on the phones and start promoting our next regional event or mission’s trip. At around 6:00 pm I would head home for dinner, spend quality time with the family and then at about 9:00 pm would start my cleaning job.

Some nights it would be cleaning movie theaters after midnight. The Lord was providing, I was being humbled and I did what I had to do.

When you feel you are “called” by God to ministry; serve the sick, plant a church, or feed the poor and the needy, you have two choices:

            a. Make your ministry like a corporation; have people dependent on a pay check, bow to the guy in charge.

            b. The other option is make it a volunteer-based ministry so that there is freedom and flow to what you believe God has called you to.

Sadly, in my experience, most churches and ministries choose the first. They become an institution; relying on systems for what they can accomplish.

Through the years I have been offered very lucrative jobs. Six figures, cars and benefits. I always get to say “no.” Our family believes the Lord has asked us to live by raising support and working when we can. We work 9 hours a day, sometime’s more on ministry. Every one of the young people that are coming to Colorado to be part of our discipleship will do the same, holding down jobs and working hard.

One of the mandates the Lord has given Lisa and I is to teach a generation to work hard, to walk by faith.

Live fully alive and trust that what God has put in your hands is enough! Be content in all circumstance and as you do, recognize this goes against the American mindset.

I have many people that support us as way to be an extension to the world. I have to work, (I am working with a Venture Capitol Company: raising money for companies – ) to try and make up the difference. It is a glorious dependent way to live… freedom to do what God has called you to do…