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We are talking “Kingdom” and the five “Jurisdictions” of heaven; personal (Self Government), Family/marriage, Church, Market Place (includes the arts, entertainment), and social and civil government. The two are one in the same and we must learn how to live and impart them to the next generation…

Let’s look at Africa for the first place we want to take back and establish “Kingdom”. My heart and the heart of my family is already there and I feel I have some insight from some friends and the Lord; Africa is a desperate and dieing people, America is numb and dieing, so I really believe we have a better chance of “Messing up” Africa then we do even here! And, it is a very critical continent, why do you think the Muslims are moving in so fast and bribing the leaders, it is a strategic, kingdom land that we must serve.


  1. Spiritual Vacuum
  2. Ego-centric or corrupt leadership (Read
    Tom Davis’ Blog
  3. Disease wrecking the place
  4. Economic Desperation
  5. Illiteracy – lack of equipping

We must be “paradigm shifters” create a model of “Kingdom” training and develop leaders from this place of desperation, in them and in us. If we are desperate enough to see a continent, a people set free, we will come underneath them, serve them with our lives, not just talk about it anymore…

Daniel was a business man with an understanding of the spirit and changed a nation. Joseph understood the spirit world and had to take dominion through business and running nations. Melchizedek was a king and a priest, had an understanding of both worlds and how to confront them.

From a “Market Place” Platform (meaning a place of economic understanding) that builds in self-funding and sustainability, we establish evangelism, discipleship, servant hood leadership training and produce a “Kingdom” generation of dreamers, builders, servants that understand the way they govern their own lives, the lives of their families, the Church, business and government. I am convinced that this will change a city, a nation, maybe even a continent that seems to have little hope. Let’s take the planet, shall we?

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