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have an update letter being snail-mailed, (remember letters?), this next

It will have the latest news on the kids and the projects we are
doing here.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list and
receive our occasional post-cards and letters, please let me know via email.

Just in case you were wondering, here
is an overview of where your money goes when you support the Tribe:

*Leadership School – We
have negotiated with a local school here called IDM, International
Development Management School
. They are in multiple nations throughout
Africa and love our leadership material and concept. The director of
IDM is a Christian and was wondering why God had him in this position, and he feels that we may be part of that answer! They have needed a bridge to
the next generation and international influence.

are moving on the new campus in October and have access to
state-of-the-art training facilities, sports arenas, dormitories and
dining halls; the government of Swazi and the Kellogg foundation built
this brand new facility for the school. They would like me to teach a
few times a month in their school, bring international trainers in from
time-to-time to do workshops and classes, and for this we get use of
all facilities. It is a huge answer to prayer! Our students will be a
mix of Africans and students from the West.

*Children’s Village – Six
to eight homes, six “Double Orphans” in each home with a mother.
Community center where a few hundred kids are fed, cleaned up, educated
and discipled each day. Sustainability projects that each child is in
charge of. We have to teach them how to fish, own the ponds and then
own multiple ponds. Vegetable gardens, honey bee project, fish ponds,
marketplace where purses, bracelets, and fruit are sold.

project costs about E2.5 million, or about $350,000 – This is the model
we would like to reproduce all over Africa. It protects the kids from
predators and AIDS, puts the character of God into them and teaches
them how to dream. Lawyers, Doctors, welders, seamstresses, preachers,
apostles… Who knows what kinds of leaders we are raising up!

need a lot of help with this project and can get you all the plans,
phases and budget. Six local businesses here in Swazi have helped launch
this – they have given us 40 hectares of land (about 100 acres), all the
labor to build the buildings and homes, E100,000 cash, and more. We
really believe this a very large part of the answer for Africa’s
future. You can give directly by clicking “Give to the Nsoko Project” in the “My Links” section.

*Missionary Training – With
the WorldRace teams that come in for a month, the Real Life, Awakening,
FYM and other teams that come in from AIM (Adventures in Missions), we are training the next
generation of young missionaries
on a monthly basis. I will be training
120 of them in China this November and have a team of 80 that will be
here Friday. I have them every night for two weeks! This ministry is my
passion and what I thank God I get to do!

$25, $50, $100, $250, or $500 a month and/or your one-time gifts are an
investment! You are investing into the lives of hundreds of orphans,
thousands of young Africans, and the next generation of American
missionaries that will help shape the earth for Christ… and a pretty
cool family.

Thank you for your help and obedience; we really can’t do
this without you.

Click here to donate to the Black Tribe’s ministry