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I am sure most of you have read the
book What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey, but
for those that have not; please pick up a copy – it will be a great way to usher
in the New Year, I promise!

He wrote the book because he asked a
prostitute “Why don’t you go to Church to get help” – her response – “Church!
Why would I ever go to there? I was already feeling terrible about myself.
They’d make me feel worse!”

In the middle of the book he writes
a comment from a very funny lady – Erma Bombeck:

In Church the other Sunday I was intent on a small
Child who was turning around smiling at everyone. He wasn’t gurgling, spiting,
humming, kicking, tearing the hymnals, or rummaging through his mothers handbag.
He was just smiling.

Finally, his mother jerked him about and in a stage whisper
that could be heard in a little theater off Broadway said, “Stop that grinning”!
You’re in Church”! With that, she gave him a belt and as the tears rolled down
his cheeks added, “That’s better,” and returned to her prayers…

Suddenly I was
angry. It occurred to me the entire world is in tears, and if you’re not, then
you’d better get with it. I wanted to grab this child with the tear-stained face
close to me and tell him about my God. The Happy God.
The smiling God. The God who had to have a since of
humor to have created the likes of us… By tradition, one wears faith with the
solemnity of a mourner, the gravity of a mask of tragedy, and the dedication of
a Rotary Badge.

What a fool I
thought. Here is a women sitting next to the only light
left in our civilization – the only hope, our only miracle – our only promise of
infinity. If he couldn’t smile in Church, where was there left to
go? (Read the rest of the passage here…)

And in one of his closing chapters, Yancey writes, “How will we feel if historians of the future look back on the
evangelical Church of the 1990’s and declare, ‘They fought bravely on the moral
fronts of abortion and homosexuality rights,’ while at the same time reporting
that we did little to fulfill the great commission, and we did little to spread
the aroma of grace in the world?”

Enjoy the book, and Happy New Year.

6 responses to “Spreading the Aroma of Grace: Why Yancey was right”

  1. I feel like this is God’s very specific message from this holiday season… seems like that’s getting pounded into me since Thanksgiving! I’ve loved leaving the policies and procedures of ministry behind and just remember how amazing it is to be loved by our Creator… going back to what happened when Jesus came down for me and remember why I need that…

    thanks for being another reminder from my sweet Jesus about His smile for me 🙂

  2. I read Amazing Grace back in the late ’90’s and it forever changed my life. In fact, just last week I gave my copy to the person who cuts my hair. She’s going through a divorce and is carrying much guilt and baggage. For those of you who also have a copy, who in your circle of influence could use some news of amazing grace?

  3. Love is the highest anointing…without it in its proper place, we have a hard time moving in our gifts. This story is so poignant, because the fruit of the spirit, when engaged in our hearts, produces joy. What a gift a smile is…an encouraging word…a word in season brings such healing. When we experience this grace and mercy personally, it is easy to give it away. Love you bro! =)