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Seth Barnes and I have been talking about writing a book on Spiritual parenting.
What does it mean, how do you do it, and why do we need spiritual parents?

I have been on the journey of this issue of “Fatherlessness”
for many years. In the 90’s I had a ministry called Rock The Nations, and the
heart of our ministry was calling out a fatherless generation.

We ministered to young people
that had a dad that abandoned them or whose dad might have been living at home but was
physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually checked out. We found that it was
the majority of the Generation X, and it is getting much worse.

Mothers are
abandoning their families like never before, latch-key children are coming and going as they please with no authority in their lives, and kids
are being raised by day care, nannies, or worse… no one.

With over 30% of the birth certificates not having a father’s
name on them in America, this has become a real problem. The U.S. government declared in 1996 that fatherlessness
was the number 1 epidemic in America and that a black baby being born in
Washington DC had the life expectancy second only to Haiti. The fact that
the sins of our fathers can carry down to the third and fourth generation, is unsettling, but
even more unsettling is that according to Deuteronomy 23:2 fatherlessness
or illegitimacy is the only generational sin that carries to the 10th
generation! (I’ll tackle generational sins in another blog…)

In 1962, when we decided to take prayer out of our schools,
we released this epidemic called Fatherlessness: test scores dropped, teen pregnancy
increased rapidly, grades dropped to all-time lows, and violence in our schools
increased by almost 700%. This was all in the first year we took God out of our

Just a short time later after taking prayer out, the father
of our nation, President Kennedy was killed, and everything changed: violence
amongst youth, divorce, teen-suicide, etc. (I have all the stats of how things
changed; it’s shocking). Something shifted in the spirit of our nation, and it all had to do with losing our fathers.

Next, I will talk about what God’s answer was and how we
stopped it…

5 responses to “Spiritual Parenting and the Spirit of a Nation”

  1. This man in this generation recieves the fathers blessings and will cary it into this generation to turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers.

    Love you man of God.

  2. Love the post. I am a youth pastor in the states and this type of teaching brings clarity and understanding to me. keep the posts coming!

  3. i’m so glad you and all of my other spiritual parents exist…can’t wait to see you guys in a month or so.