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These words were taken from a blog by World Racer Stephanie Fisk.

This really is the experience of a lifetime, an opportunity to live an adventure:

pioneering spirit leads
the adventurous through the wilderness. It beckons to the restless
soul. The wanderer finds drive in the vision itself…in the unknown.

Risk is not a word that indicates “caution”; instead it whispers,”You’re
heading in the right direction; come just a little closer.”

apostolic spirit plows a way where there seems to be no way. It cuts
straight through the mountain that lies in its path.

It perseveres
through the intense cold and biting wind. It stands strong when the
locust strips away every remaining morsel.

But the Spirit remains…

Do you have what it takes to live the adventure, to lose your life so that you may find it?

The World Race is more than “just another mission trip.”

It’s a journey into the unknown to see if this life of faith is really worth living.

It’s church, plain and simple, but like you’ve never seen before.

Apply today for the World Race, an 11-month trip around the world:

“Live it.”