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Thoughts & Inspiration

Just wanted to give you heads up; my 5 year old Noah was spinning around in my office chair a week ago. As he was “yahooing” we heard a crash! Running to make sure he was ok; I turned the corner to see his big blue eyes looking up at me… their my computer lay, 3 feet from the desk – and all I hear is “Sorry daddy, I think it’s broke”! So, when I can get it back, blogs will start again…

Lisa and I just returned from training our new October squad, 53 amazing people that we will launch this October in the Philippines.  The Holy Spirit was very gentle and really took these young people to a deep place; we are excited about what the Lord is doing with this generation and are humbled that we get to play such an amazing role in their lives. I will get you some pictures and stories from these guys soon; you will love them!

From Atlanta we flew to Reno, Nevada. One of Lisa’s mentors of 15 years asked us to do her son’s wedding… looking down over Lake Tahoe we spoke the truth about covenant, commitment and how the Lord looks at marriage; it was one of the richest weeks of our lives.

Raising up the next generation – establishing covenantal family – and doing all this with my bride.

I am exhausted and thankful today… be back soon…

By the way – I will catch up on emails when I can – sorry about the lack of communication; please pray for the provision to get the computer back soon!

3 responses to ““Sorry daddy””

  1. I think we all experience many “sorry Daddy” moments with Father God, throughout our lifetime…broken lives, broken hearts, broken toys, broken computers… He looks back at us with compassionate eyes and responds: That’s OK, son/daughter,you are pressing toward the mark and my love is not conditional. Press on!

  2. So true…we all have many times we can look back on when we made a mistake which was disappointing to our Father but we are forgiven! Praying for you and your family!