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I receive a lot of emails and comments about the state of the Church; people wondering why they feel they don’t really fit with the traditional idea of going to Church every Sunday, singing a few songs, hearing a good message and living their own lives the rest of the week. Is their something more?

I was reading
2 Kings 7 and it really is a picture of where many of us are… Elisha is prophesying over

Israel and lets them know that provision is coming. In the midst of starvation, hopelessness, even turning to cannibalism out of extreme desperation, Elisha releases the word of the Lord that food is coming and it will be much cheaper then it ever has been, and they don’t believe him.

Now, sitting at the city gates are four men with leprosy. They have been kicked out of the city because of their disease and are starving to death. Verse 3: “If we go into the city, the famine is there and we will die. And, if we stay here, we will die. So let’s go over the enemy’s camp and surrender. If they spar us, we live; if they kill us, then we die”. They were left with no choice but to go into the enemy’s camp.

How many of us are sitting at the gate knowing that if we just stay their, we will die. If we go back to what we have known, we will surely die; so the questions is, do we go into the enemies camp and see if there is life there? I really believe the Church is waking up and knows that if it stays where it is, they have little hope. Maybe it’s time to get out of our comfort zone and go take some land!

Read the rest of the story; the Lord had caused the enemy to hear the sounds of chariots and horses and a great army, so they got up and fled, leaving all of their provision and goods behind. The four men ate and drank and the “siege was lifted” off the nation of


Maybe it’s time to go into the enemy’s camp and trust that the Lord has prepared the way; it is a place of provision and life.

One response to ““siege was lifted””

  1. your “siege” blog was meant for me today. God has no geographical boundaries and proves his love to us even in the silence.