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Continued… Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Ish-Bosheth hated David – man of shame – fought against David trying to maintain his fathers kingdom – trying to hang onto the trappings of royalty. How many of us try to hang on to the trappings of royalty? Inside our heart is screaming at us – you don’t matter – you’re not worth your Father’s time! Everyone screams it to us – day-after-day, until we believe it and become filled with shame.

Ish-Bosheth, man of shame – clinging to Saul’s last taste of kingdom. He was killed, had his head cut off – and the whole kingdom went to David. He became king of all 12 tribes…

David had made a covenant with Jonathan. Jonathan new David would be king and made him promise he would bless his family when he did… David finds the grandson of Saul, Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth – tell you what his name means later…

2 Samuel 9 – David calls Mephibosheth – where Ish-Bosheth clung to his father’s stuff – I wont let go of my stuff! Shame based – the only way he could have any self-worth was to hang on to the stuff. I won’t let go of my friends – my money – we hang on to the stuff. The only identity he had and he died in his shame.

David calls Mephibosheth into his presence; David had every right to kill him – a descendant of the house of Saul – you are supposed to finish them off… He had been crippled at the age of 5 in both feet. Rejected by his father’s household, the only one left and lame.

Can you imagine? The King was calling him – descendant to the house of shame. Mephibosheth comes into the King’s presence, (doesn’t say I’ve got a right)! He throws himself down at David’s feet – says, “What right do I have to be here? I’m nothing but a dead dog in your presence”! (2Samuel 9:8)

Now picture this; the King comes down off his platform – you now Mephibosheth’s heart is pounding! He knows David is perfectly justified if he kills him, he can be struck down at any moment. He is on his face, a lame man and a dead dog in the presence of the king.

King David takes his face in his hands – I knew your father, I loved him – now, come sit at my table… oh, man… the King takes a broken, rejected kid – represents this fallen thing – lifts his face and treats him like a son. Why did David do that? In the backside of the desert he came to know a Father who took a kid that had no claim to anything – and said I’ve looked past the external stuff – I’ve looked at your heart and saw a heart after me, NOW LOOK AT MY FACE AND LET THE SHAME BE GONE.

All that is required to be set free from shame is to come into the Father’s presence, into the King’s chambers – admit our condition – I’m a dead dog and a lame man in your presence – I have no rights, no claim to anything before you.

The heart of the King comes down – lifts your face calls you His own – sits you at his table and He says, “I found another son, I found another daughter – gives you His heart; the Father’s heart…

Mephibosheth means dispeller of shame. He came to the king with no claims – the king lifted his face – sat him at his table – declared that there is no shame – you are my son.

Here is the great news! Jesus wants to dispel your shame – choice before us is Ish-Bosheth, die clinging to the old stuff – or – Mephibosheth, dispelling the shame off  your own life – a generation sitting in the presence of the King – dead dog’s, lame men – and he lifts our face and says, “Come sit at my table”…

(I have preached this message many times over the years and seen hundreds set free; My friend, Gary Wiens, has this whole teaching on MP3; if you have ever dealt with shame or know someone that does, please pick this up)

One response to ““Shame on you” Dead dog and a Lame man; Part 5”

  1. i am rocked. completely. what an incredible thing to hear…lesson to learn…to internalize and be able to share.